
Unit 6 Keep our city clean Story time 课件(19张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:73次 大小:16489029Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件19张PPT。Unit 6 Keep our city clean (Story time)Make sentences with the words.The birds are dead.headThe air is .not cleandirtythirtyhairWhat makes the air dirty? from the factory makes the air dirty.SmokeA:The …is/are dead/dirty. B: What makes … dead/dirty? A: … make(s) … dead/dirty. Work in pairs:1.How is their city? It’s clean and beautiful. It’s messy and dirty. 2.What makes their city _____? clouds and water smoke and rubbishWatch and choose1.How is their city? 2.What makes their city _____? messy and dirtyWatch and chooseIt’s clean and beautiful.It’sClouds and waterSmoke and rubbishRead and findTask 1 Read quickly and find what are dirty. 快速阅读文本58页,找出城市中什么又乱又脏。Smoke and rubbishthe airthe streetsthe rivermake(s)the airthe streetsthe riverdirty.Smoke from cars RubbishRubbish in the water and dead fishTask 2 Read carefully and finish the blanks. 仔细阅读文本58页,将表格空白在文中划线。Black smoke from factoriesRead and underlineListen and write※We can _____ the bus and the metro to school. ※We can _____ _____ school too. ※We can _____some factories away _____ our city. ※We can _____rubbish _____ the bin. ※We can _____ more trees. They help _____ the air clean. takewalk tomovefromputinplantkeepTask 3 Read the sentences, listen and catch. 体会句义听文本,抓住关键词。Miss Li: Look↑ at these pictures/ of our city. Is our city / clean↑?Students : No,it isn't.Miss Li: What makes↑ our city ↑ dirty?Su Hai: Smoke from cars / makes the air dirty.Wang Bing: Black smoke from factories / makes the air↑ dirty↑ too.Liu Tao: Rubbish makes the streets / messy and dirty.Su Hai: The river↓ is dirty.There’s rubbish in the water↑ and the fish are dead ↓. 注意语音语调的模仿。Listen and imitateMiss Li: What can we do / to keep our city↓ clean?Su Hai:We can / take the bus / and the metro / to school.Nancy: We can / walk to school too.Wang Bing: We can/ move some factories /away from our city↑.Liu Tao: We can / plant more trees.They help keep /the air/ clean. Miss Li: Your↑ ideas / are great.Well done↓, class.We can put rubbish in the bin.Enjoy posters. 1.小组讨论海报内容。 2 选好主题,设计内容,图文并茂。 3.选择自己的方式宣传海报。 (可以加上表情动作)Design a poster.选好内容,将其不干净的原因及改变措施 写在海报中,并配上一定图画。the airthe streetsthe riverThe … is/are dirty/ messy/not clean. To keep … clean/beautiful/… We can… We can’t… We should… We shouldn’t…Useful sentences If you say it, you must do it. Just do it. Clean or dirty, it’s up to you. Come on, join us! Can you do it too? To keep the city clean, say it and do it! Better city !Better life ! What can we do to keep our city clean? We can plant trees to keep the air clean. We can do some cleaning to keep the streets clean. We can put rubbish in the bin. Keep our city clean1.Finish your posters and share with your friends. 2.Make a new song with your ideas. 3.Do what you can do to keep our city clean. Homework: ... ...

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