
Unit 7 We had a good time! 第二课时 课件+教案+练习

日期:2024-06-07 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:86次 大小:108496262Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    接力版英语六年级下册第二课时教学设计 课题 Sally is going to Beijing. 单元 Unit 7 学科 英语 年级 六年级 学习 目标 知识与技能目标:复习本课单词、句型。 过程与方法目标:跟随录音带一起大声朗读,感受英语歌曲的韵律美。能掌握ph/qu的正确读音。 情感态度与价值观目标:激发和培养学习英语的兴趣,用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。 重点 复习本课单词、句型。 难点 能掌握ph/qu的正确读音。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Review: what is seafood? What is meat? Let’s watch: waht did you do? Bomb games: 找出正确的单词过去式。 Match the answers and the questions. 复习过去式单词、句型。 热身活动。 讲授新课 1.Enjoy reading (1) Look and answer: What are these? They are mother bird and two baby birds. (2) Let’s read and think. How did they went to the park? Where did they put the waste? Where did Tom see a bird? How did Tom feel in the end? Read and tick. Retell. Look at the pictures and try to retell the story. 2. Add-activities? (1) Have a free talk. Show a photo of your travel. Then talk about it in groups. For example: Where did you go? I went to Xinjiang. Did you have a good time? Yes, I did. What did you do there? I learned Xinjiang dancing. Do a survey. Talk with your partners and try to fill the blanks. 四人小组讨论并完成表格。 Make a report. Say like this: Ann went to Hainan. She had a good time. She swam in the sea. 3. Sing a song. Let’s watch. Read the lyrics. Sing together. Pronunciation Listen to the words. Let’s talk more words with ph or qu. Game: I can read more words. Practice. Fill in the blanks. Last weekend we went to Hangzhou. We _____ a good time there. We _____ the West Lake. It’s very _____. The water is very _____ . There are many trees and flowers around the lake. We rowed a boat on the lake and _____ a lot of pictures. Summary Check and tick. I know these words: its, seafood 根据板书复述今天学习的内容: We had a good time in Hangzhou. We visited the West Lake. It’s very beautiful. We rowed a boat on the lake. And we also took some pictures. Let’s watch more about traveling. 5. Homework 1. 背诵本课的单词、课文。 2. 总结Unit 7 知识点。 3.完成《Unit 7 Period 2》课后作业。 预习Unit 8: 熟读Period 1的课文、单词。 根据阅读要求完成速读,提炼重点。 模仿对话。 完成表格调查。 进行表达汇报。 学习歌曲。 明确ph/qu读音。 根据图片完成填空。 回忆所学,总结知识。 观看经典短片。 记录并在课下完成作业。 练习阅读。 反复巩固重难点。 活跃课堂氛围,实用性训练。 模拟实际练习 丰富歌曲量 反复巩固读音。 再次巩固。 系统化学习,加深掌握。 承前启后,为下节课做准备。 课堂小结 这节课的教学任务目标是复习用英语进行出行经历的表达,通过实际对话情境的模拟练习再次加深对单词、句型的掌握。练习活动主要是两人对话,师生对话,小组活动为主,让学生在轻松、愉快的课堂气氛中完成学习任务,达到预定的教学目标。 板书 Unit 7 We had a good time! We had a good time in Hangzhou. We visited the West Lake. It’s very beautiful. We rowed a boat on the lake. And we also took some pictures. Unit 7 We had a good time! 第二课时 习题 一、读出下列单词。? 1. elephant 2. photo 3. phone 4. ... ...

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