
Unit 3 Weather PA 教案

日期:2024-05-18 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:59次 大小:9390Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 Weather Lesson 11 教学目标: (一) 知识目标: 1. 听懂会说weather,sunny,rainy,cloudy,snowy 听懂会说How is the weather today? It’s a sunny /rainy/cloudy/snowy day. (二)能力目标 培养学生能够在实际情境中运用句子谈论天气。 教学重难点: 1.正确拼读:weather,sunny,rainy,cloudy,snowy 2.听懂会说How is the weather today? It’s a sunny /rainy/cloudy/snowy day. 教具准备:课件,单词卡片( weather, sunny,rainy ,cloudy,snowy) 教学过程: Step1: Warming up Greetings; Sing a song: Rain, Rain, Go Away Step 2: Lead in and Presentation 1.Free talk T: Today we’ll travel in China. Which city do you like? Ss: Beijing, Fuzhou… T: Before traveling, we should do something. What do we need to do? To know the weather. 2..揭示课题 3. 教授weather:(呈现课件)father-mother-brother .So “ther” pronounces / e? /.舌头放在牙齿中间。: “ea” pronounces/ e /. So “weather” . 操练: T领读(升调,降调):;Ss书空拼读, T板书;two by two ; 读3遍;check(加分) Step 3: New Lesson 1. 教授句子How is the weather today?步骤如下: 引出 T:Look outside. How is the weather today?学生边读师边板书; 操练:T领读;纠音;分左手右手读(T举左手,生读How is the weather,师举右手,生读today);分组读;check(加分):。 2,教授单词sunny,rainy,cloudy,snowy.如下步骤(课件呈现) (1)教授sunny: 引出: T:look(看窗外), How is the weather today? S1:晴朗的。 T:Yes,it’s a suuny day. 操练:领读(升降调);书空拼读spell, s-u-n-n-y师板书;强调un的音; Read it two by two please,from group1;看手指头版头数遍数(three/four times,ready go.);check (加分) (2)教授rainy: 引出: T:(出示课件)How is the weather today?(课件呈现图片) S1:下雨的。 T:Yes,it’s a rainy day. 操练:领读(升降调);书空拼读spell, r-a-i-n-y,师板书;强调ai的音:分组读;大小声(T: I loudly,you slightly or I slightly you loudly);check(加分) (3)教授cloudy. 引出: T:How is the weather today?(课件呈现图片) S1:多云的。 T:Yes,it’s a cloudy day. 操练:领读(升,降调);书空拼读spell, c-l-o-u-d-y,师板书;强调ou的音; read and touch the picture(出示cloudy卡片),Group3 please;大小声(T: high,say cloudy大声;low, say cloudy小声 Ready go.) ;check(加分) (4)教授snowy: 引出: T:How is the weather today?(课件呈现图片) S1:下雪的。 T:Yes,it’s a snowy day. 操练:领读(升降调);书空拼读 spell, s-n-o-w-y,师板书;强调ow的音; read and touch the picture(出示snowy卡片),Group4 please;正反面读(卡片正面读snowy,反面读“下雪的”,Ready go) ; check(加分) 以及4个单词综合操练:快速反应(拿出4张卡片,拿哪张读哪个单词);What’s missing? ;地雷游戏; 2,教授句子It’s a sunny /rainy/cloudy/snowy day. 步骤如下: (1) 引出:(老师拿图片学生) T:How is the weather today? 引导Ss: It’s a sunny day师板书. It’s a…day. T:How is the weather today? Ss: It’s a rainy day T:How is the weather today? Ss :It’s a cloudy day. T:How is the weather today? Ss: It’s a snowy day. .(2)play a guessing game: 教师把一张图片藏在身后,每组猜3次,分别派三个同学起来猜。每人猜一次,猜一次或两次即猜对的,即可继续猜另一张图片,猜满3次为止。猜对一 ... ...

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