
Unit 4 At the farm PC Story time教案

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:11次 大小:26916Byte 来源:二一课件通
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PEP4 Unit 4 My home (C Story time) Teaching content Unit4 My home Part C Story time Teaching aims 1. Ss get more familiar with the sentence patterns: Where are …? Are they…? 2. Ss will be able to understand the word those/change and the sentences: Those are not my glasses. Let’s change our glasses. 3. Ss will be able to understand the story and read it fluently. 4. Ss will be able to act out the story. Teaching important points 1. Ss will be able to get more familiar with the sentence patterns: Where are …? Are they…? 2. Ss will be able to understand and read the story. Teaching difficult points 1. Ss may have difficulties in understanding the sentence: Let’s change our glasses. 2. Ss may have difficulties in acting the story out. Teaching aids flashcards, PPT, etc Teaching procedures Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purposes Step I: Warm up & Revision Let’s sing: My home 2.Enjoy the song: In on under 3. Free talk: (T hides the English book and glasses.) T: Are you ready for English class? T: But I’m not ready. I can’t find my English book? Do you see my English book? T & Ss: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. T: You’re helpful! But I can’t see clearly. Where are my glasses? T & Ss: Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. Ss enjoy the songs. Ss:Yes! S1: Is it …? S2: Is it …? S3: Are they …? S4: Are they …? 12.歌曲热身,营造气氛,回顾旧知。 3.老师找不着自己的英语书和眼镜,学生帮忙找,激发学生兴趣,感知故事重要词汇glasses,并复习第四单元重点句型:Where is…? Is it…? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. Where are…? Are they…? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. Step II: Presentation & Practice 1. T: I can see now! Today we’ll share a story about Grandpa Bear and Uncle Bear. What are Grandpa and Uncle looking for? (PPT shows picture 1 and 2) They’re looking for glasses。 How do you know? 2. T: Grandpa is looking for glasses. What can he ask? (Grandpa: Do you see my glasses?) T: Does Uncle see Grandpa’s glasses? Yes or no? ( Uncle: No. Are they on the fridge?) T: Are they Grandpa’s? (Grandpa: Those are not my glasses.) 3. T: Those are not Grandpa’s glasses. Where are Grandpa’s glasses? Can you guess? PPT shows: room(table, phone, toy box, …) 4. T: Where are Grandpa’s glasses? Let’s help him! (PPT shows picture 3 and 4). T: Listen, and answer. T: Where are Grandpa’s glasses? T: Where are Uncle’s glasses? 5. PPT shows: Uncle: Look! My glasses are on the table. Grandpa: But where are my glasses? Uncle: Look! Your glasses are on the bed! Grandpa: Thank you. 6. What happened? (PPT shows: picture 5) Grandpa: Oh, my… Uncle: … T: They’re dizzy. Oh, my…(eyes/head/glasses/…) Uncle: Let’s change our glasses. T: Let’s change the glasses.(Bb) (PPT shows: picture 6) T: Can they see clearly now? (Grandpa: I can see now. ) T: What about Uncle? (Uncle: Me too.) 7. T: It’s really a funny story. Let’s share together. Task: Read along the whole story and imitate. 8. Ss try to act out the whole story. Ss: Glasses! S5: Where are my glass ... ...

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