
Unit 6 Shopping PC Story time 教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:92次 大小:15759Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson Unit 6 Shopping Story time Teacher Teaching Contents PEP English (Grade 4 ) Unit 6 (P65) Teaching Objectives 1、通过借助图片、录音、实物、动作等手段,听懂理解故事大意。 2、借助图片、录音有感情地跟读故事对话,体会人物感情,语音语调基本正确。 3、能和同伴表演对话,语音语调正确,有肢体动作,能恰当表达人物情感,并能用英语进行购物的能力 4、通过Zoom故事,告诉学生无论做什么事情如果漫不经心,随随便便,马虎大意,定然会丢三忘四,漏洞百出,把事情弄糟。 Important and difficult points 1.学生能够了解故事梗概并能够给出故事完整、合理的结局; 2.学生能模仿故事语言的语音语调,并有感情的表演或朗读故事。 Teaching Procedures Step 1. Warm up &Lead in 1. Greetings 2. Let’s sing a song. Blackboard Design Step 2. Presentation Pre-listening T: Look at the pictures and try to answer questions: T: Who is he ?(PPT出示Mr. Elephant 的图片) T: He has a clothes shop. Have you ever been to the clothes shop? What can we buy in the clothes shop? What should we think about when we buy something(学生可以用汉语说一说自己去服装商店的经历,调动学生的已有经验,并对学生进行情感教育:购物时要考虑物品的价格和质量) T:Now,let’s look T: What is in Mr. Elephant’s shop? S:I can see….. T: Zoom is in the shop too ? Let’s guess “what does Zoom do in the shop?” Is he a clerk or a customer ? S: Zoom is a clerk , T : Who is the customer today? S:Miss sheep. T: What does Miss sheep like ?(学生预测) T: Let’s see the whole story with your guesses and check your guesses.(观看故事视频,检查预测结果) S: Mr. Sheep like a skirt. While-listening: (P1) Look at the first dialog and answer the questions. 看图一,回答问题 T: 1) What does Zoom do in the clothes shop? S:He is putting the price tag on the clothes.(卡片讲解price tag的意思。 ) Listen to the P1 and answer the question. 听图一,回答问题。 T: Let’s listen: What does Mr. Elephant say to Zoom? T: What does Zoom say ? (图片及学过的表达解释 Do a good job、No problem的意思) T: What’s wrong with the price tag?(用标签卡片引导学生发现标签贴反了,为接下来故事的发展做铺垫。) (P2) Look at the second dialog and answer the questions. 看图二,回答问题。 1Who is coming into the clothes shop ? 2) What does Miss sheep point to ? Listen to the second dialog and answer the questions. 听图二,回答问题。 What does Miss sheep like? If you are the clerk what you will say? Let’s listen: what does Zoom say and how does Miss sheep answer?(强调 can I 连读) Look at the third dialog and answer the questions. 看图三,回答问题。 Does Miss sheep try the shirt on? 2) Do you think “Is it pretty ?” Listen to the third dialog and answer the questions. 听图三,回答问题。 Q1;What does Miss Sheep think of the skirt? How do you know it ?(解释It’s pretty ,isn’t it ?结合图片解释isn’t it 反义疑问句的使用,并强调连读) What about Zoom? Look at the fourth and fifth dialog and answer the questions. 看图四,五回答问题。 T:Look at Miss Sheep 1)What is Miss Sheep looking at? 2)What’wrong with Zoom? 听图四,回答问题 1) How much does Miss Sheep think of the skirt ? S: $ 16 ... ...

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