
Unit 4 Don’t eat in class单元测试卷(含答案解析)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:41次 大小:1273856Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class 综合检测训练 (时间:90分钟 满分:100分) I.单项选择(15分) 1. Teenagers should be encouraged to go _____ and be close to nature. A. inside B. back C. outside D. off 2. Nancy can’t come to your party because she _____ do her homework. A. has to B. can’t C. doesn’t have to D. can 3. It was dark by the time we arrived _____ the station. A. for B. to C. at D. in 4. The teacher is very strict _____ his students. A. with B. in C. for D. to 5. Annie’s bike is broken, so she _____ walk to school. A. have to B. has to C. need to D. should 6. His dog was lost, that made him feel _____. A. sad B. sadly C. happy D. happily 7. Don’t eat in class _____ don’t leave your seats in class. A. or B. so C. but D. and 8. They fought _____ the Italians in the last war, but _____ them in this war. A. with; with B. with; for C. against ; against D. with; against 9. Don’t _____ in the classroom or in the library. A. noisy B. be noisy C. is noisy D. be noise 10. Daisy has to _____ the classroom after school. A. cleans B. cleaned C. cleaning D. clean 11.I often go to bed late because I have _____ homework to do every day. A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too 12.Look at the school rule. It_____,“Don’t eat in class.” A. write B. writing C. says D. was 13.Dave,you have to wear_____ shoes for P.E. A. sport B. sports C. to sport D. sporting 14.Don’t listen to music in the classrooms_____ the hallways. A. and B. or C. yet D. but 15.Sorry,you_____ play basketball in the classroom. A. can’t B. don’t C. don’t have to D. aren’t II. 完形填空 (10分) John is an American boy. He likes 1 football matches, 2 he doesn’t have enough money to buy tickets. He has to watch the matches 3 TV at home when he has 4 homework. He must go to school from Monday to Friday, so he misses a lot of important matches. A big football match will be held in the afternoon tomorrow. 5 wants to watch it very much, but he can’t. He will have a physics test(考试)in 6 afternoon.“Can we have a video,Mum?”John asks his mother 7 he goes to school.“Then from our TV set you can record the match for me.”“I’m 8 we can’t afford(买得起)one,”sighs(叹息)his mother. The next morning John comes home with a smile, 9 a new video.“But where do you get the money,John?”his mother asks in surprise. “That’s 10 ,Mum. I’ve sold our TV set.” 1. A. watching B. seeing C. looking at B. hearing 2. A. and B. so C. but D. though 3. A. in B. on C. at D. with 4. A. few B. a few C. little D. quite a little 5. A. Mother B. Father C. Teacher D. John 6. A. the same B. the different C. a D. an 7. A. after B. before C. because D. as 8. A. glad B. afraid C. pleased D. frightened 9. A. carrying B. carries C. carry D. to carry 10. A. difficult B. easy C. difficulty D. easily Ⅲ. 阅读理解 (20分) The Wenhua International School You must You mustn’t Arrive at school by half past seven every morning. Wear jeans. Hand in your homework by eight ... ...

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