
Unit 4 Going to the Fun Park 课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:96次 大小:3481103Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件18张PPT。Unit 4 Going to the Fun ParkWarm-upTalk TogetherRead and ThinkWarm-upWhere are they?Talk Together-How can I get to …? -Go down/ straight…and turn… It will be on your…1How can I get to the fun park?StreetGo down this street and turn right. It will be on your left.StreetHow can I get to the post office?Go down this street and turn left. It will be on your right.StreetHow can I get to the library?Go straight two blocks and turn right. It will be on your right.-What should we do first/ now? -We should…2What should we do first?We should park the bike here.What should we do now?We should do warm-up exercises.What should I do now?You should take some medicine.What should I do first?You should see a doctor.Read and Think Xiaoxiao’s dad and the children ride their bikes to the fun park. On the way to the park, they get lost. Xiaoxiao’s dad asks a girl, “How can we get to the fun park?” She says, “Go down this street and turn right. It will be on your left.”Read and Think They ride their bikes down the street. They can see the fun park across the street. Qiaoqiao starts to cross the street, but the light is red. Xiaoxiao’s dad says to him. “Stop! You should be more careful.” The light turns green. Everyone crosses the street. Read and Think They arrive at the fun park. They park their bikes first. Xiaoxiao’s dad buys tickets for them. Q&AAnswer the questions. 1. How do they go to the fun park? a. By bus. b. By bike. c. They walk to the fun park. 2. When do they cross the street? When _____ _____ _____ _____. 3. What does Xiaoxiao do first at the fun park? He _____ his _____. bthelightturnsgreenparksbikeHomework抄写本单元新单词各三遍。 背诵课文对话, 与父母进行对话练习。 完成练习册上的习题。 Goodbye! See you next time.

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