
Unit 5 Animals in danger 课件(共14张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:15次 大小:1695744Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Animals in danger Saving the antelopes 动物在中国的处境是非常不令人乐观,确切地说,是非常悲惨且极其令人担忧的。 (一)活剥皮? 《新京报》2005年4月5日《两亿皮草收入背后的杀戮》曝光了占据全国 皮张销量六成以上的河北肃宁尚村毛皮市场的惊人惨象,这里的貉与狐狸约有一半是在还活着的情况下被剥皮。动物被打或砍成重伤,他们被用绳子扯起来、用钩子 挂起来,在没有死亡的情况下被剥皮,其中许多动物已经伤到不可能进行任何反抗的程度。 《新京报》的这篇报导真是开了善良人们的眼界,使人们看到市场与利益 使得人们可以变得如何对于残忍不假思索。 list the reasons why some animals are becoming extinct. (1)They are killed for body parts or food . (2) People want them for pets . (3) People have moved into their natural habitat . (4) They are killed by pollution . (5) They are killed by climate change . Brainstorm :Name some endangered animals. Polar bear北极熊 South China tiger 华南虎 Kingfisher 翠鸟 Black rhino 黑犀牛 Tibetan antelope Sharks Why do people kill animals Brainstorm : Try you best to think about the words that relate to the animals. Extinct(adj,灭绝的) Protection(n, 保护) reserve(n, 保护区) Habitat(n,动物生长的地区) Endanger(v,危及,危害) Homework: Use those words to write a short passage On a freezing cold day in January 1994, Jiesong Suonandajie found what he was looking for— a group of poachers who were killing the endangered Tibentan antelopes. Key word: freezing: adj 严寒的,冰冻的 poacher: n 偷猎者 endanger: vt 危及,危害,使遭到危险 Homework : N1. Use the listed words I have showed before to write a short passage N2. listen to the mp3 of the passage N3. To find out the methods that how to protect animals

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