
Unit 7 How Are You Feeling Now 课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:49次 大小:3091451Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件19张PPT。Unit 7 How Are You Feeling Now?Good morning, boys and girls. How are you ? Say helloSandy doesn’t feel well. Why? bad coughShe has bad cough. sore throat She has a sore throat. high feverShe has a high fever. runny noseShe has a runny nose.is – was 表示问过去的事情。 你假期怎么样?How was your vacation?I got wet this afternoon. get – got 表示在过去的时间淋湿了。this afternoon.What wrong with you?I don’t feel well. I have a high fever. I feel well. Thank you.How are you feeling now?很遗憾听到你不舒服。 Sorry to hear that.照顾好自己。Take care of yourself.How/ Why/ What/ When did you… do – did by planeHow did you go to Wonderland? by shipBecause I got wet. 因为我淋湿了。Why did you get a cold?We went to the museum.What did you do in Wonderland? We came back home yesterday.When did you come back home?描述你的假期。HomeworkSee you.Thank you

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