
小学英语人教版(PEP)五年级下册Recycle 2 复习课件29张PPT+素材

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:65次 大小:88471898Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件29张PPT。Recycle 2PEP 五年级下册 学习目标1、掌握字母组合th、ng、nk、wh的发音。2、掌握4—6单元的所有词汇。3、掌握重点句型:(1) When is April Fool's Day?(2) It's on April 1st.学习目标(4) My birthday is on April 4th.(5) The yellow picture is mine.(6) Are these all ours?(3) When is your birthday? (7) Whose is it?(8) It is Zhang Peng's.学习目标(9) Is he drinking water?(10) No, he isn't. He's eating.(11) What are they doing?(12) They 're eating lunch.(13) What's the little monkey doing?(14) It's playing with its mother.(15) Talk quietly.(16) Keep your desk clean.词汇复习1你能写出下列数字的序数词形式及其缩写吗?1. _____ ___ 2. _____ _____ 3. _____ ___ 4. _____ _____ 5. _____ ____ 6. _____ ____12361112first 1stsecond2ndthirdsixth6theleventh11thtwelfth12th3rd对话复习1Mike is at summer camp. What will he do ? Listen and match.对话复习1Listen to dialogue 2 and tick the right picture . What are the children doing?√对话复习1Listen to dialogue 1 and 4. Choose the right answers. 1. When is the sports day ? It is in_____. A. June B. July C. August 2. Mike's mum: Be a good boy._____ A. Work quietly B. Keep your room clean C. Talk quietlyBC对话复习1你能把下列句子翻译成 英语吗?1. 8月 1号我们将举办一场运动会。 _____ 2. 我们在听音乐。 _____On August 1st ,we 'll have a sports day.We're listening to music.对话复习13. 8月6号我们要去森林游玩。_____ 4. 在11 日,我们将有一个聚会。_____On August 6th,we'll have a trip to the forest.On the 11th ,we'll have a party.词汇复习2你能写出横线上的日期吗?1.New Year's Day is on J_____ ____. 2.My birthday is on F_____ ____. 3.Women's Day is on M_____ ____. 4.Qing Ming Festival is A____ ____.anuary 1stpril 5thebruary 2nd arch 8th词汇复习25.International Labour Day is M___ ____. 6.Children's Day is on J____ ____ . 7.The Party's Brithday is on J____ ____. 8.The Army's Day is on A_____ ____. 9.Teacher's Day is on S_____ _____.ay 1stune 1stuly 1stugust 1steptember 10th词汇复习210.China's National Day is on O_____ ____. 11.Thanks-giving Day is in N_____. 12.Christmas Day is on D_____ _____.ctober 1stovemberecember 25th阅读理解Read the chant and write the short forms about months in the correct column.Feb.Apr. Jun. Sept. Nov.Jan. Mar. May. Jul. Aug. Oct. Dec.阅读理解Translate the chant into Chinese.Thirty days has September, April, June and November; February has twenty-eight alone. 九月、四月、六月、十一月是30天。只有二月是28天。阅读理解All the rest have thirty-one. Except in leap year. That's the time When February's days are twenty-nine.剩余的所有月份都是31天。除了闰年。在闰年二月是 29 天。阅读理解Play the game:Animals and dates.Zhang Peng : Pandas, pandas and pandas. Tell me when Children’s Day comes. Amy: It's on June 1st. Amy: Monkeys, monkeys and monkeys. Tell me when your birthday comes. 告诉我六一儿童节什么时候到来。告诉我你生日什么时候到来。句型复习1You are in the picture and answer the questions.Where are you ? What are you doing? Which season is it?I'm on the mountain.I'm playing in the snow.It's winter.句型复习1You are ... ...

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