
Unit 3 Home Lesson 8 Whose Ball Is This教学课件(共19张PPT含课本录音)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:45次 大小:11688283Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件19张PPT。Ball Is This?Unit 3 Lesson 8WhoseLearning new words toothbrush 牙刷It’s Mike’s toothbrush.MikeWhose toothbrush is this?Pre-listeningIt’s Mike’s.Learning new words towel 毛巾It’s Mike’s towel.MikeWhose towel is this?Pre-listeningIt’s Mike’s.MikeLearning new words key 钥匙It’s Mike’s key. Whose key is this?Pre-listeningIt’s Mike’s.MikeLearning new words scissors 剪刀They are Mike’s scissors.Whose scissors are these?Pre-listeningThey are Mike’s.Learning new words crayon 蜡笔Whose crayons are these?They’re Tom’s crayons.TomPre-listeningThey’re Tom’s.Learning new words diary 日记(本)Whose diaries are these?They’re Tom’s diaries.TomPre-listeningThey’re Tom’s.Learning new words glass 玻璃杯It’s Tom’s glass. TomWhose glass is this?Pre-listeningIt’s Tom’s.Learning new words glasses 眼镜They’re Tom’s glasses.TomWhose glasses are these?Pre-listeningThey’re Tom’s.Read and rememberwhose crayon diary glass glasses toothbrush towel scissors key 谁的 蜡笔 日记 玻璃杯 眼镜 牙刷 毛巾 剪刀 钥匙Pre-listeningLet’s check our work:towelscissorskeytoothbrushglassestrouserscrayondiaryPre-listening1. Listen and choose:While-listening( ) 1. What’s the relationship(关系)of the two people? A. Mum and son B. Teacher and student ( )2. What are they talking about? A. Where the things are? B. Whose things they are?8/5/2019While-listeningBen, whose things are these? This ____ is mine and those _____ are mine, too. What about that _____? Is it yours? No, Mum. That’s Linda’s. I haven’t got a diary. And those are Linda’s _____. Are the _____ hers, too? No, they’re dad’s. Well, I think they’re his. Maybe I’m wrong. Yes, they are. And the ____ are his, too. But what about these _____? They aren’t mine. These are girls’ glasses. Oh, sorry. They’re mine.ball shoesdiarycrayons scissors keys glasses 2. Listen and fill in the blanks:wrong3. Listen and match:Linda'sglassesBen’skeysdad’sscissorsLinda'sshoesBen’scrayonsdad’sdiarymum’sballwhosethings While-listeningLinda'sglassesBen’skeysdad’sscissorsLinda'sshoesBen’scrayonsdad’sdiarymum’sballwhosewhat Whose ball is this? It’s Ben’s ball.Whose shoes are these? They’re Ben’s shoes.While-listening4. Let’s do it!Let’s read!Mum: Ben, whose things are these? Ben: This ball is mine and those shoes are mine, too. Mum: What about that diary? Is it yours? Ben: No, mum. That’s Linda’s. I haven’t got a diary. And those are Linda’s crayons. Mum: Are the scissors hers, too? Ben: No, they’re dad’s. Well, I think they’re his. Maybe I’m wrong. Mum: Yes, they are. And the keys are his, too. But what about these glasses? Ben: They aren’t mine. These are girls glasses. Mum: Oh, sorry. They’re mine.Post-listeningAct outWhose … is this? I think it’s Mike’s.No, you’re wrong.Is it Tom’s?Yes. You’re right./ No, it is Mike’s. Post-listeningHomework1. Copy and translate the text. 2. Make 3 your own dialogues. 3. Read the dialogue 3 times.Post-listeningThank you ! ... ...

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