
Unit3 At the zoo PB Let's learn 【优课+教案+精练】

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:89次 大小:70120188Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    ==================资料简介====================== Unit3 PB Let’s learn:27张PPT Unit3 At the zoo B Let’s learn 同步精练 口语训练 Look and say (看图说句子。)  Look at the ostrich. It’s _____. It has a_____ tail. It has _____legs. It has_____. It _____. 强化练习 一、 单项选择。 (  )1. The elephant has a _____ nose. A. long  B. big  C. short (  )2. The panda has two _____ eyes. A. red B. blue C. black (  )3. The rabbit has two _____ ears. A. long B. big C. small (  )4. Look at the elephant. It’s so _____. A. big B. tall C. small (  )5. I have a squirrel. It has a _____ tail. A. long B. short C. big 二、 圈出合适的单词补全句子。 1. The elephant (has/is) so big. 2. I (have/am) a small mouth. 3. It has a long body (and/or) short legs. 4. Come (there/here),children. 5. It (has/is) a short tail. 三、 选择合适的句子,补全对话。 Sarah: Let’s go to the zoo. Amy: 1._____ Look at the bear. Sarah: Wow! 2. _____ Amy: 3. _____ Sarah: Look! It’s in the tree(在树上). It’s thin. 4._____ Amy: Haha! 5. _____ A. And it’s has a long tail. ================================================ 压缩包内容: 34 曲目 34.wav big.wav do.swf do1.wav do2.wav do3.wav do4.wav learn.swf let’s do.wav let’s do1.swf let’s learn.wav long.wav short.wav small.wav talk1.wav talk2.wav Unit3 PB Let’s learn 同步精练.doc Unit3 PB Let’s learn 教案.doc Unit3 PB Let’s learn.ppt ~$it1 Period 1教案.doc ~$it3 PA Let’s talk 同步精练.doc ~WRL0004.tmp 非洲草原鸵鸟(0.wmv

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