
Unit 6 How many? PB Let's learn 课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:83次 大小:1888639Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit6 How many? B let’s learn 数一数 How many apples do you see? I see fifteen. 数一数 How many bags do you see? I see twelve. 数一数 How many eggs do you see? I see fourteen. six sixteen How many strawberries do you have? We have sixteen . 你们有 我们有 seven seventeen How many bananas do you have? We have seventeen . eight eightteen eighteen balloon How many balloons do you have? We have eighteen . nine nineteen How many watermelons do you have? We have_____. . nineteen twenty How many apples do you have? We have twenty. Play a game Bounce a ball 同学们根据拍球的次数快速说出相应的英文单词 How many apples do you see? I see eighteen. How many _____ do you have? I have_____. sixteen pencils 有 How many _____ do you have? We have_____. sixteen pencils 我们 你们 How many cars do you have? We have twenty. How many + + do you have? 你有多少 ? I have +数字. 我有…… We have +数字. 我们有…… s s Practice -- How many s do you have? ( s) -- We have 16. (17.) (18.) (19.) (20.) 11+8= 13+4= 5+8= 8+12= nineteen seventeen thirteen Let's count twenty 2×9= eighteen 2×8= sixteen Homework 朗读新学单词和对话五遍 Thank you

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