
Unit1 How can I get there? PA Let's learn (共32页PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:32次 大小:5533696Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Let’s learn Is it a school? Yes ,it is. 书店 bookstore bookstore ,bookstore ,buy a book. 邮局 post office post office,post office,send a letter. 博物馆 museum science museum 科学博物馆 science museum,science museum,have a look.. hospital hospital, hospital, see a doctor. 医院 电影院 cinema cinema ,cinema ,see a film(电影). science museum cinema library hospital post office bookstore supermarket (什么东西不见了?) science museum cinema library post office bookstore supermarket science museum cinema library hospital post office bookstore supermarket science museum cinema library hospital bookstore supermarket science museum cinema library hospital post office bookstore supermarket science museum cinema library hospital post office supermarket science museum cinema library hospital post office bookstore supermarket cinema library hospital post office bookstore science museum cinema library hospital post office bookstore science museum hospital post office bookstore science museum cinema library hospital post office bookstore It’s near the cinema. Where is the post office? It’s next to the cinema. Where is the hospital? It's in front of the bookstore. Where is the science museum? It's behind the cinema. Where is the museum? It is in front of the zoo. Where is the zoo? It is behind the museum. Where is the park? It is next to the zoo. Where is the cinema? It is near the museum. PEP 8 Part A Let’s read Unit 3 Last Weekend Listen,match and say: Jiao Jie’s mother Zhou Jia’s mother Ge Nan’s father Liu Qian’s father police officer postman factory worker businessman post office science museum cinema bookstore hospital 2.如何问路及回答。 A:Where is the …? B:It's behind /near/next to /in front of Homework 1、背诵和书写let’s learn。 2、练习用下面的句子问路。 A:Where is the...? B:It‘s behind /near/next to /in front of …

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