

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:59次 大小:77986Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2018-2019学年湖南省株洲市醴陵市七年级(上)期末英语试卷 一、听力技能 (20分)第一节 (共5小题,计5分) 3.(1分)What is Amy's last name? A.Green B.Smith C. Lily 4.(1分)Where is Bill's schoolbag? A.Under the desk B. On the chair C. on the bed 5.(1分)What's Mike's favorite subject? A. Chinese. B. History. C. Science. 第二节(共6小题,计15分) 6.(2分)(1)What subject does Frank have on Thursday? A.Music B. Geography C. History (2)When does Frank play basketball at school? A.On Wednesday B. On Tuesday C. On Thursday 7.(2分)(1)Who is Peter? A.Lucy's brother B. Lucy's cousin C. Lucy's friend (2)How old is David? A.12 B.13 C.11 8.(2分)(1)When is the birthday party for Mr. White? A.At 7:00 p.m. B. At 8:00 p.m. C.At 7:30 p.m. (2)What will Helen buy for the party? A.Some oranges B. Some apples C. Some bananas 9.(3分)(1)When does David have a school trip? A.On November 3rd B. On November 13th C. On November 30th (2)What game does David have on November 20th ? A. soccer game B. A basketball game C. A volleyball game (3)What activity(活动) is on November 28 th ? A.A book sale B. An English party C. An English test 10.(3分)(1)When is Betty's brother's birthday? A.On June 15th B. On March 18th C. On April 8th (2)What sport does Betty's sister like? A.Volleyball B. Basketball C. Baseball (3)What does Betty eat for breakfast? A.Bread B. Hamburgers C. rice 11.(3分)(1)How much are the purple skirts in Huaxing Clothes Store? A. ﹩20 B. ﹩40 C. ﹩25 (2)The white    are ﹩8 in Huaxing Clothes Store. A.shoes B. T﹣shirts C. trousers (3)What is the telephone number of the clothes store? A. 257﹣6589 B. 275﹣5689 C. 257﹣5689 三、选择题(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 12.(1分)_____ woman in an orange jacket is Helen. She is _____ art teacher.(  ) A.The, a B.The, an C.A, an 13.(1分)﹣How is the Evening Party of Our Forty Years _____ Friday, December 14th,2018? ﹣It's really great.(  ) A.on B.at C.in 14.(1分)﹣Are those Lily's shoes? ﹣No, they are _____. _____ are under the bed.(  ) A.my, Her B.mine, Hers C.mine; His 15.(1分)﹣Mike, let's play computer games. ﹣ Well, that sounds _____. I want to play basketball.(  ) A.great B.interesting C.boring 16.(1分)Look! Some _____ and _____ are on the table.(  ) A.breads; tomatoes B.bread;tomato C.bread; tomatoes 17.(1分)﹣Mom, this pair of trousers is too short for me! ﹣_____ that pair? It's a little longer.(  ) A.What B.How about C.Where 18.(1分)There are _____months in a year.December is the_____month of a year.(  ) A.twelve;twelve B.twelfth;twelfth C.twelve;twelfth D.twelfth;twelve 19.(1分)﹣_____ is your math teacher? ﹣Mr. Smith. He is very fun. We all like him.(  ) A.Where B.Who C.When 20.(1分)I often _____ volleyball with my classmates after school, but Gina oft ... ...

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