
Unit 1 Toys I like 课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:98次 大小:3450613Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件17张PPT。Module 2 My favourite thingsMingzhu Primary School Jennifer ChenUnit1 Toys I like Period 3 Toy party What do you see? What do you like?I see toys. I like…I see a toy…I see many toys.Guess! (猜一猜)Let’s sayOne, two, Red and blue. Up and down, Orange and brown. Kites in the sky, Flying very high.? One little, two little, Three little bicycles. Four little, five little, Six little bicycles. Seven little, eight little, Nine little bicycles. Ten little paper bicycles.ballsdollsI like dolls. I like balls. Dolls and balls. Nice, nice, nice.Let’s tryWhat’s this? What’s this? It’s a ___. It’s a ___. What’s that? What’s that? It’s a ___. It’s a ___.The ___ and the ___. Nice, nice, nice.Can I help you?I like the bicycle.What colour is it?It’s yellow.Here you are.Thank you.At the toy shopA: Can I help you? B: I like the …. C: I like the …. A: Here you are. B&C: Thank you. B: I like my …. It’s super. C: I like my …. It’s nice.A: Can I help you? B: I like the …. C: I like the …. A: Here you are. B&C: Thank you. B: I like my …. It’s super. C: I like my …. It’s nice.A: Can I help you? B: I like the …. C: I like the …. A: Here you are. B&C: Thank you. B: I like my …. It’s super. C: I like my …. It’s nice.I like the …. I like the …. I like the … and the …. I like the …. I like the …. I like the … and the ….Make a rhymeI like the _____. It’s_____. Can I help you? I like the _____. I like the _____. Here you are. Thank you. I like my _____. It’s super. I like my _____. It’s nice. Make a dialogue in the toy shop. (编一个在玩具店的对话)Homework

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