
Topic 1 We’re preparing for a food festival. Section C 课件(25张PPT无音视频)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:54次 大小:36009321Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件25张PPT。 Topic 1 We’re preparing for a food festival. Section CProject English Unit 7This place is so beautiful. I regret I didn't go before.regret v/n.遗憾 She gathers her friends to give school things.Is she your favorite star?v. 召集Is she your favorite star? She joins the teachers' group.n. 组 Are they your favorite stars? The 3 members build new schools.n. 成员导学案【预习感知】step1:拼写,朗读课本第59页上的新单词。 regret _____ gather_____group_____member_____ roof_____ 遗憾召集组成员屋顶He's Craig.Who's my favourite star?导学案 Step 2:根据SectionA-1a内容完成下列选择题。1. Where is Craig from? A. Craig is from Canada. B. Craig is from China. 2. When did Craig started to help poor children? A. He started to help children when he was 13 . B. He started to help children when he was 12 . 3. What group did Craig start? A. He started Little Angel . B. He started Dream Plan. C. He started Free the Children. 4. What does Free the Children plan to do in Kenya? A. Free the Children plans to build a new school in Kenya. B. Free the Children plans to give food in Kenya. 1.理解并掌握本课的相关词汇。 regret , gather, group, member, roof) 2. 能通过小组合作并运用阅读技巧来获取并处理文章信息,理解文章结构及大意。 (skimming, scanning, close reading) 3. 能在课后尝试去写人物小短文. (write about your star)Learning Aims:(学习目标)Pre-taskGuess and mark T or F.(看图片,预测信息) 1. The story of Iqbal changed Craig's life. ( ) 2. Craig started Free the Children to help children. ( ) While-task 1 1. The story of Iqbal changed Craig‘s life. ( ) 2. Craig started Free the Children to help children. ( )Skim and check.(快速浏览文章,核对答案) 限时:100秒T TWhile-task 2 Scan to find the answers. 1、先读导学案上的三个选择题。 2、再从文中寻找答案并划线. 【小组合作阅读】1. Why did Iqbal fight against the bosses? A. He wanted to get more money. B. He wanted to work there. C. He wanted to go to school. While-task 2 第三段,第三行 He knew children should go to school instead of working in factories all day.Good job2. Why does Free the Children build new school in Kenya? A. Because there are too many children. B. Because there are poorly-built schools. C. Because there are no schools in Kenya. While-task 2 第三段,最后一行 In Kenya there are poorly-built schools with no roofs or walls, so Free the Children is building new schools to help them.Well down3. What's the letter talking about? A. Craig and Free the Children B. Iqbal C. Free the Children While-task 2 第二段,第一行 Let me tell you something about myself,Free the Children and my new school.Excellent Thank you for inviting me to your food festival. I regret that I cannot come. Let me tell you something about myself, Free the Children and my new school. I was born in Canada on December 17th,1982 and spent my childhood there. I often take part in sports.My favorite food is fried chicken. I like to help people.While-task 3 Close reading1. Where was Craig born?Key words 2. What does he like to do?小组找关键词Part1 In ... ...

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