
高中英语人教版必修4 Unit 2 Working the land Revision and Writing(共55张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:83次 大小:1136697Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件55张PPT。挖掘教材资源 提升写作技能-- Revision and Writing for Book 4 Unit 2 Reading: A Pioneer for All People 头脑风暴--复习人物介绍的重点词汇短语Revision & Writing人物概况外貌性格教育经历生平经历成就评价 identity(身份)/job/appearance/age/sex/birth-place/birth-timeeducationmain experiencesevaluation of achievementsappearance/character11930年出生在一个贫穷的农民家庭 (+1)was born into a poor farmer’s family in193021956年出生于福建省厦门(+2)was born in Xiamen in Fujian Province in1956395岁时因肺病去世 (+2)died of lung disease at the age of 95. 4一位著名英国喜剧演员(+1)A famous English comic actor人物概况humorous Imaginative with a moustachediligent warm-hearted determined considerate wise slim and strong body 睿智的 削瘦强壮的身材 幽默的 富有想象力的 留着一撮小胡子随和的 无私的 乐于助人勤奋的 热心的 意志坚定的 体贴的easy-going selfless be ready to help others外貌性格11953年大学毕业 (+1)graduated from college in 19532unlucky number (no task) -33lucky number (no task) +24在很小的时候就开始表演 (+1)began performing at an early age教育经历生平 经历11.在农业方面很感兴趣 2. 研究水稻(+2)1.shows great interest in agriculture 2. does research on rice2终身都奉献于中国妇女和儿童的医疗事业(+2)devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children 3竭尽全力地建立一个新的,平等的以及自由的南非(+2)spared no efforts to found a new, equal and free South Africa4lucky number (no task)exchange the results成就 评价11.为世界做出巨大的贡献 2. 被誉为“杂交水稻之父”(+2)1. make great contributions to the world 2. is honored as “Father of Hybrid Rice” 2一位了不起的女性医生(+1)a great woman doctor31.在1993年获得了诺贝尔和平奖 2.是世界上最伟大的人之一(+2)1.got the Noble Peace Prize in 1993 2. is one of the greatest men in the world 4被认为是一位无声幽默的大师(+1)is considered as a master of nonverbal humourwas born into a poor farmer’s family in1930 was born in Xiamen in Fujian Province in1956 died of lung disease at the age of 95. A famous English comic actor graduated from college in 1953 devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children spared no efforts to found a new, equal and free South Africa make great contributions to the world is honored as “Father of Hybrid Rice” got the Noble Peace Prize in 1993 is one of the greatest men in the world is considered as a master of nonverbal humour朗读和识记描述人物的重点短语:通过复习Reading 了解如何用英语对人物进行介绍; 在练习中体会并掌握写作中常用的一些技巧:同位语结构、非谓语动词、介词短语、倒装结构、定语从句、状语从句等; 掌握描述人物的重点短语和高频句式。学习目标:Para. 1 介绍人物概况Revision & WritingRead Para 1 and sum up the key words: Q1: What are the key words in the Para 1 ?Although he is one of China's most famous scientists, Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer, for he works the land to do his research.Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers.This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-t ... ...

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