
Unit 6 The Animal Kingdom Lesson 18 An Animal Story课件(23张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:60次 大小:2407346Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件23张PPT。JohnAnthonyChristian They _____a little baby lion, _____him home, called him Christian. They _____ _____Christian very well.Read the 1st paragraph and fill in the table.sawIn a shop in LondonIn 1969tooklooked afterHow did they look after Christian?took him for walksplayed with himdrove him around the city in the cartook him to the beach1. What did Christian look like? 2. What did John and Anthony do? Read the 2nd paragraph and answer.He became big, strong and heavy.They took him to Africa.One year later , what happened?What problems would Christian face ?hunt for foodjoin the prideAfter a year, …_____slowly Suddenly, _____ them _____and _____ on them _____ them warmly nervous worried afraid happy excited moved ?What did Christian do when they met?walked over recognized hugged ran over jumped up walked over, recognised them, ran over and jumped up on them, hugged them. walked over ,recognised them ran over and jumped up on them, hugged them .vivid and lively 生动形象adverd 副词slowly,suddenlywarmly After a few years, 1. Who was with Christian? 2. What did Christian do this time? 3. How did John and Anthony feel? He ran over and knocked them down easily.He was with other lions and his babies.They were sad to leave, but they were happy to see Christian live freely in Africa. they visited Christian again.“My dear son, I will tell you my story when I was young. In 1969…… One year later… After a year… After a few years…”slowly suddenly warmly freely happily finally …What do you think of John and Anthony? What do you learn from the story? discussionIf we love animals, they will show their love to us in return.They are kind, brave and caring.A Moving Story_____Homework: Make a poster and tell the story.Thank you! 123456Where did they see the baby? In a shop in London.How did they look after Christian? took him for walks, played with him, drove him around, took him to the beach.How long did they live together?For about a year.What did Christian do when they met for the first time?He walked over slowly, recognise them suddenly, ran over , jumped up on them and hugged them warmlyWhat did Christian do when they met for the second time?He recognised them, ran over and knocked them down easily.Why did John and Anthony take Christian to Africa?Because he became very big, strong and heavy.

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