
Unit 8 Weather Period 2 课件(12张ppt+7张ppt)+句子

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:30次 大小:6447149Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件12张PPT。1BUnit8 Weather Period 2 weathersunnycloudyrainywindysnowyBeijingKunmingXi’anHong KongLashaUrumuqiZhengzhouHarbinShanghaiHow’s the weather in…? It’s …Know the correct signs in weather forecast Shenzhenhot summerRole playGroup 1,2Group 5,6Group 3,4Group 7,8Warm tipsGo with your father or motherStay in shallow water zone Use swimming ring 呆在浅水区Group work Choose one scene and make your own dialogueWord bank go to swim, go to the parkeat ice-cream, drink orange juice, drink milk…. go to the zoo, read a book make a snowman...fly a kite, ride bicycle, play football, sing, dance, draw…???Show Time ?? ????? ??1. How's the weather ? sum up ???? ?? It's sunny/ windy/ rainy / cloudy / snowy...2.Let's ...Homework 1.Practise a dialogue with your family. 2. Find out more signs in weather forecast. Thank you ! Hows the Weather - How’s the weather? How’s the weather? How’s the weather today? Is it sunny?Is it rainy? Is it cloudy? Is it snowy? How’s the weather today? Let’s look outside. How’s the weather? Is it sunny today? Let’s look outside. How’s the weather? Is it rainy today? Let’s look outside. How’s the weather? Is it cloudy today? Let’s look outside. Is it snowy today? How’s the weather? How’s the weather? How’s the weather today? Is it sunny?Is it rainy? Is it cloudy? Is it snowy? How’s the weather today? - 课件7张PPT。 Weather 、How ‘s the weather ?It’s rainy.singHow ‘s the weather ?It’s cloudy. It’s warm.play footballHow ‘s the weather ?It’s sunny. It’s hot.eat ice-creamHow ‘s the weather ?It’s windy. It’s cool.fly a kiteHow ‘s the weather ?It’s snowy. It’s cold.make a snowmanBye Bye

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