
Unit 8 Weather Period 1 课件(35张ppt)+教学设计

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:45次 大小:5116565Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    IB M3 Unit 8 Weather (Period 1) 教学设计 课题 Unit 8 Weather 教学 目标 Identify the words about weather by hearing the pronunciation, looking at pictures, symbols or actions. Use the key sentence patterns to introduce the weather in daily life. Do a survey about what weather do you like? 教材 分析 重点 Sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy 难点 How’s the weather? It’s …… What weather do you like? I like... days. 教具 Pictures, a survey, word cards… 教学过程 Step 1 warm up Step2 Lead-in Step3 Presentation Step4 Practice Step 5 Production Step6 Summary Step7 Homework Sing a song- what can you do ? Guess what will happen by looking at dynamic pictures and listening the sound of thunders. Learn key words and sentence patterns by dynamic pictures from rainy, cloudy, windy to sunny. “How’s the weather? It’s ...” Play a game: Open the window and see the weather. Open the window and look at the weather Watch a video of a day of Alice. Follow the video sentence by sentence. Role-play Chant- what weather do you like? Do a survey and report the survey Report the weather Sing a song- how’s the weather Search the weather online and introduce the weather to your family. Record the weather of this week. 课件35张PPT。Module 3 Things around usPeriod 1 深圳牛津版 一年级下册 Module 3rainysunnycloudywindy OpenAsk the weatherAnswer and dorainywindycloudysunnywindysunnyrainycloudywindycloudyA day of AliceA Day of AliceA Day of AliceA Day of AliceA Day of AliceFollow the videoRole-play(同桌练习)1234Show time...1234What weather do you like?I like sunny days.cloudyI like cloudy days.rainyI like rainy days.windyI like windy days.Let's chantsunny(注意边做动作边说歌谣哦!) I like … days.What weather do you like?Report the survey I like … days.Weather reportIn Shenzhen, it's Weather reportIn Shenzhen, it's In Shanghai, it's … Homework: 1. Search the weather, introduce to your family. 2. Record the weather of this week.

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