
Lesson 9 The Palace Museum 课件(共16张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:43次 大小:2963968Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 9 The Palace Musuem 冀教版 五年级下册 Reviewing Tian'anmen Square is very ____. There are many _____ here. Some people are_____ _____ on the square.Some men are _____ _____. Jenny thinks it is _____ to fly a kite. She can fly a kite very _____. Danny thinks it is _____ to fly a kite. He can't fly a kite high. He feels very sad, because he _____ his arms. big people taking pictures flying kites easy high difficult hurts New Concepts lesson hook Who knows what the Palace Museum is? Who has been to see it? How old is it? New Words take a picture (take pictures) 照相 Be careful visit sky about 小心 参观 天空 大约 palace chair table beside 宫殿 椅子 桌子 旁边 fall tail 掉落 尾巴 It’s sunny today. The sky is blue. Danny, Jenny and Li Ming are visiting the Palace Museum. The palace is red and yellow. It’s beautiful. Jenny: How old is the Palace Museum, Li Ming? Li Ming: It’s about six hundred years old. Jenny: That’s old! Danny: Let’s look in the window! Li Ming: What do you see? Jenny: I see some chairs and tables. They are old. Danny: May I take your picture, Jenny? Jenny: Sure. Danny: And your picture, too, Li Ming. Please stand beside Jenny. Danny falls! He hurts his tail! Poor Danny! Danny! Be careful! listening Listen to the story and think about the following questions: Q1:What's the weather like today? Q2:What coulor is the palace? Q3:How old is the Palace Museum? It is sunny today. The palace is red and yellow. It's about six hundred years old. 1. How old is the Palace Museum? 2. What colour is the palace? 3. Are there old chairs and tables in the Palace Museum? It’s about six hundred years old. It is red and yellow. Yes, there are. 4. Does Danny take a picture? 5. Does Danny hurt his tail? Yes, he does. Yes, he does. 小心 Be careful. take a bus (乘坐) take two apples (买下) take a picture (拍照) Part 2 Let's do it! Read part 1.Talk and write. A: How old is the Palace Museum? B: It's about 600 yers old. Let’s take a picture, you and me. Look at the camera, 1, 2, 3. Let’s take a picture, you and me. Look at the camera, say cheese! Okay, okay. This time, let’s make a funny face. Ready? Let’s take a picture. 1, 2, 3. You and me. Say cheese!

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