
湖北2019年人教英语八下Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. Section B 1a—1d (共22张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:68次 大小:2934132Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section B 1a-1d Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. Learning Aims 1. Learn to use the present perfect tense. 2. Catch the key words while listening and introduce the hometown by using the present perfect tense. 3. Love our hometown and build our hometown. Xianyang Olympic Sports Center Hometown Hello, I’m Lucy. This summer vacation, I am going to watch the games. Can you help me learn more about Xianyang It is almost in the center of Shaanxi Province. What’s the location of Xianyang Wei River No. 1 Bridge The river is long and wide. What’s the name of it What about the bridge This park is really beautiful. Which park is it This building is different. What’s the name of it I’m in your school. It is the most beautiful school I’ve ever seen. How long has it been here Wow, it’s amazing! How long has it been around It has been around for as long as I can remember. Xianyang Weibin Park It looks old. How long has it been here It has been here for over 50 years. Xianyang Museum 1a Check (√ ) the places or things you can find in your town or city. ____ a museum ____ a primary school ____ a bridge ____ a zoo ____ a park ____ a hill ____ a library ____ a river What’s this / that over there How long has it been here / around Work in pairs … Gudu Bridge 2017 Xianyang Library 1992 Qianling 683 Wow, thanks for your help. I have a good time today. Even though it’s my first time to be here. I have already fallen in love with this beautiful city. I think you are lucky to live here and I look forward to returning soon. See you next time. 1b Listen and answer the questions. 1. Does Martin like Jenny’s hometown 2. Does Jenny still live in her hometown 3. What is behind the science museum What do people do there on weekends Yes, he does. No, she doesn’t. A big park. Jenny Martin People go there to ____ their kids _____ and _____. Listening let run around climb the hills 1c Listen again and fill in the chart about the places in Jenny’s hometown. Place New or old How long has it been there town library science museum restaurant down the street old for _____ years new since _____ old for _____ Jenny can remember Listening Tip: Catch the key words. hundreds of last August as long as Hello, everyone! My name is Jenny. My hometown is really _____. I have been away for the _____, but I still love my hometown. Even though it’s _____, it’s full of _____ places to see and things to do here. The town library is one of _____ in the town. It’s been around for _____ years. Next to the library is the new _____. It’s only been here since _____. There’s a really _____ behind the museum. Many families go there on weekends to let the kids _____ and _____. There is also a restaurant _____. It’s been around for _____ I can remember. It serves _____ in town. I love my hometown. I think it is the most beautiful place. Welcome to my town! past few years interesting the oldest buildings hundreds of l ... ...

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