

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:91次 大小:19754Byte 来源:二一课件通
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河北省邯郸大名县第一中学2019高三高考模拟 英语试卷 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Dry ice is CO2 in solid form, with a temperature of about -78.5℃.Unlike common ice, dry ice doesn't melt into a liquid . When dry ice melts, it turns into a gas. So when you see dry ice "smoking", it's frozen CO2 melting into its gaseous state. Dry ice is a popular matter in scientific experiments. It creates projects that look cool. Experiment: Healthy dry ice popsicles(棒冰) This dry ice experiment will catch people's eye, especially little kids' because the dry ice is going to be used to make what the young love to eat. It should take you about 10 minutes or less to have a frozen treat to enjoy. Materials One large block of dry ice A large spoon Popsicle sticks One cup of your favorite juice A tall glass filled with water Directions Use the large spoon to make a popsicle-shaped space in a block of dry ice. You can set the ice on a piece of cloth on your table to do this work. Of course, keep in mind that it's okay if it's not exactly popsicle-shaped. Add a popsicle stick to the middle of the space so that when you pour in the liquid, it will freeze around the popsicle stick. Hold the popsicle stick in place and wait a few minutes for your popsicle to harden. After several minutes, take away the popsicle from the block of dry ice and put it into a tall glass of water for a few seconds. Do this to warm up the popsicle just a bit. Otherwise, it will be too cold. 21.According to the text, what's the main difference between dry ice and common ice? A. Their forms. B. Their shapes. C. Their temperatures. D. Their states when they melt. 22. What's the first step to do the experiment? A. To fill the tall glass with juice. B. To pour the juice into the space. C. To make space in the dry ice for juice. D. To put a stick to the middle of the dry ice. 23. How does the dry ice work in the experiment? A. It gives out "smoke". B. It is mixed in the juice. C. It makes the juice freeze. D. It makes the popsicle look cool. B Some of Australian cyclists have used "GPS art" to turn a 202 km (125- mile) ride into the outline of a goat, which interests many people greatly. The four men marked their route on an app before using it track their journey around Perth. When uploaded to the computer, it was shown as a picture. Cyclist Ben Jones said the group settled on a goat because it was an easy animal to draw. He said the ride lasted more than six hours, with the four men stopping only for food, and flat tyres . "Except for riding 202km, it's relatively simple," Mr. Jones told the BBC. "You mainly mark your route on the app and it plans directions out." GPS art has also been widely used by runners and other cyclists when they travel out. Mr. Jones said his group wanted to shake up their normal weekend ride. "We all ride l0,000km to 15,000km a year, ... ...

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