
外研版高中英语必修三 Module 3 The Violence of Nature Listening and Vocabulary Pronunciation Everyday Eng

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:60次 大小:2421694Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件33张PPT。Module 3 The Violence of NatureListening and VocabularyTo listen to the material and pick up the information. To know something about volcano. To learn the intonation of question tags.volcano eruption火山爆发What can be produced in a volcano eruption?lava n. 熔岩; 岩浆ash n. 灰Read the passage and find these words. ash erupt lava tidal wave volcanolavaeruptvolcanotidal waveashWhen a volcano erupts, three of the outcomes are ash, lava and tidal waves.Explain the connections between the words in activity 1. Before you listen to a conversation, answer these questions.1. Ash and lava poured down the mountain, setting fire to hundreds of houses. Does this mean that (a) a fire started or (b) a fire ended?2. Hundreds of houses caught fire when the lava reached them. Does this mean that the fire started because of (a) a person or (b) a natural event? 3. We managed to get half the population to another island. Does this mean it was (a) an easy thing to do or (b) a difficult thing to do?4. We put all the fires out. Does this mean the fires (a) are still burning or (b) have finished?Listen and answer these questions.1. Where are they?In the centre of Plymouth, capital of Montserrat. 2. Who are the two people in the conversation?A reporter and Frank Savage, Governor of the island.3. Is a volcanic eruption taking place now?No, it isn’t.4. How many people have already left the island?About 6,000.6. When will people be able to return to their homes?5. How many people were killed by the eruption?None.They don’t know.Reporter: I’m standing in the centre of Plymouth, the capital of Montserrat, where just ___ _____ ____, a volcanic eruption ____ _____. With me is Frank Savage, the governor of the island. Mr Savage, thank you for talking to us. Savage: You’re welcome. Reporter: What _____ happened last week? Listen again and fill in the blanks.one weektookexactlyplaceagoSavage: Well, the volcano erupted, and _____ and ____ poured down the mountain towards the sea. _____, there are several villages in its path. Reporter: That’s terrible. Was anybody hurt? Savage: No. _____, we had plenty of _____ and I told people who lived in the path of the ash and lava to leave the island. We _____ __ get half the population to another island before the eruption took place. lavaUnfortunatelyLuckilymanaged toashwarningReporter: Why are you still here? Savage: Well, I’m still _____ because there’s a lot to do. Reporter: ____ _____ people live on the island? Savage: Eleven thousand people live here and about six thousand people have left. Reporter: Which areas are ____ _____ _____? dangerousworkingHow manythe most Savage: Well, the most dangerous places are between the _____ and the ____. There are a lot of villages there. And it was very dangerous. _____, hundreds of houses _____ ____ when the lava reached them. Reporter: Oh, I’m very sorry to hear that. Savage: _____, no one was killed. Reporter: Are the houses still ___ ___? volcanoseaSadlycaughtThankfullyon f ... ...

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