
Unit 12 The giant's garden 课件(24张ppt)+教学设计+练习(无答案)

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:36次 大小:3112802Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 12 The giant’s garden教案 教材 牛津英语深圳版 五年级下册 Unit 12 The giant’s garden 课型 阅读新授课 授课者 Miss Cheng 授课对象 小学五年级学生 语言材料分析 1. 体裁:一篇经典童话故事的改编。 2. 主题:该故事叙述了巨人由自私到乐于分享的转变,体现了“快乐要与人分享”的道理。 4.时态:一般现在时 教学目标 引导学生整体理解该故事; 培养学生用所学句式复述故事的能力; 引导学生理解故事的寓意,懂得学会分享的道理。 学生难度预测 学生可能对部分单词短语感到陌生,如giant, knock down等; 学生可能难以用自己的话复述故事; 学生可能无法理解故事的寓意。 教学设计 Step1: lead-in (3分钟) 【活动】1. Sing a song If you were happy. 2. Review the words about four seasons. 【理由】通过歌曲初步引出主题“Share”,同时活跃课堂气氛;通过复习相关旧知,引出所学故事的标题。 Step2:pre-reading (3分钟) 【活动】1. Briefly introduce the background information of the story. 2. Think of a question and have a discussion: Why is the giant’s garden always in winter? 【理由】通过对故事背景的介绍以及悬念的设置,激发学生的阅读兴趣,为展开阅读作铺垫。 Step3:while- reading (20分钟) 【活动】1.Watch the video of Part One, and then put the pictures in the correct order. 2. Answer questions:①Where does the giant live? ②Does the giant like the children? ③Why does the giant build a tall wall? ④Does Miss Spring bring anything to the giant’s garden? 3. Have a guess: What happens next? Can you guess? 3. Watch the video of Part Two, and then put the pictures in the correct order. 4. Read the story together, and then finish the “true or false” exercises. 5. Look at the pictures and try to retell the story. 【理由】把故事分成两部分,留给学生想象的空间;相关练习可以检验学生对故事的理解程度;复述部分先是填词,再是根据关键词叙述,引导学生由易到难完成复述。 Step4:post-reading (12分钟) 【任务】1. Have a discussion, and then act out the story. 2. Think of a question: What can we learn from the story? 【理由】学生通过角色扮演展示个人对故事角色的理解;培养学生的表达能力与表现力;引导学生理解故事的寓意,懂得学会分享的道理。 Step5:assignment (2分钟) 【作业】1. Read the story again and retell it by yourself. 2. Finish the exercises on the paper. 【理由】再次布置复述的任务,使学生进一步掌握故事内容;通过相关练习对部分知识点进行巩固。 Unit 12 The giant’s garden 判断下面划线部分的读音是否相同,相同写“A”,不同写“B”。 giant game ( ) ②small wall ( ) king kind ( ) ④entry try ( ) 连词成句。 lives, house, big, a, with, in, beautiful, giant, a, garden, a _____ garden, giant, knocks, around, the, down, wall, the, his _____ giant, kind, is, children, the, to, not _____ coming, hole, children, the, are, a, through _____ time, you, garden, in, play, my, any, can _____ 用所给词的适当形式填空。 Children like _____ (play) in the garden. Miss Spring _____(not) bring anything to the giant’s garden. Now children can_____ (have) a lot of fun there. Miss Spring, Miss Summer and Miss Autumn _____(visit) the giant next year. Some children _____(come) through a hole now. 根据课文内容填空。 A _____ lives in a big house wi ... ...

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