
Unit 5 My clothes PA Let's learn 优质课件+教案+练习+动画素材

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:88次 大小:21463988Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 人教PEP 四年级下册 Unit 5 My clothes PA Let's learn Let's sing Play a game I see_____. I like_____. green yellow red orange blue black Let's go to the clothes shop. Lead in Amy and Sarah want to go shop! Guess! Where are they going clothes shop Ok! Presentation clothes They see many clothes in the shop. clothes是一个没有单数形式的复数名词 What can they see in the shop Presentation hat It's a _____. I like the red _____. What's this 复数:hats hat hat Presentation hat cap hat 周围有边 cap 前面有沿 hat:指圆形全边或者无边的帽子,其大小通常比cap大。如太阳帽、草帽、牛仔帽等 cap:一般刚好能罩着头部,只有一部分边缘,并且没有帽边,但一般会有帽舌,典型代表是棒球帽,鸭舌帽,高尔夫球帽,运动帽,护士帽,军帽等 Presentation skirt I like that green _____. 复数:skirts skirt Skirt, skirt, skirt. I like that skirt. Me too. Presentation dress Is this a skirt 复数:drsses No, it isn't. It's a _____. dress dress指连衣裙,正式礼服裙; skirt指下半身的裙子,没有衣服的 Presentation pants What are those pants They are _____. I like those _____. pants “这条裤子”、“那条裤子” 应该说 these pants,those pants。 pants是一个没有单数形式的复数名词 dresses clothes skirt pants clothes hat skirts hats 快速读出出现的单词,看到炸弹要说“bomb嘭”。 pants dress Game time skirt hat dress 21教育网 skirt clothes hat pants Game time dress Presentation I like that green skirt. Me too. And I like those pants. Presentation pair work 两人一组合作朗读。 2. 模仿创编新对话。 3. 上台展示对话。 Practice I like that/ those _____ _____. Me too. 表达与某人的观点一致, 可以说Me too. 看图说话 Presentation Put on your shirt. shirt 衬衫 Hang up your dress. Practice 挂起 穿上 Wash your skirt. Take off your hat. Put away your pants. Practice 脱下 收起 Practice show time 1. 小组练习朗诵小诗。 2. 语音、语调正确。 3. 能够表演,运用恰当的动作。 Put on your hat. Put on your hat. Put on your hat. ... Put on your hat. 开火车 1. 老师给每个小组第一个同学一个指令 2. 各小组开火车往后传,最后一个同学站起来大声说出该指令并作出相应动作。 Game time I like that/ those____. Practice Me too. _____. 两人一组看图说话 dress Hang up your dress Practice hat clothes skirt pants ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 2 3 4 Listen, number and match ( ) 5 dress summary clothes hat pants I like that/ those _____ _____. Me too. skirt dress Homework 1.听录音跟读let's learn 部分单词和句子 2. 默写单词clothes, hat, skirt, dress,pants。 3.完成同步练习。 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员? 欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看: https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 5 My clothes PA Let’s learn 同步练习 一,口语训练 1. 看图模仿例句说话。 例如:-I like that/ those ____ _____. -Me too. _____ 二, 写出下列单词的单数形式。 2. 3.4. 5. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 选择题 ( )1. What are those? They are____ . clothes B. hat C. skirt ( )2. I like that _____. black dr ... ...

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