
Lesson 3 Where's Danny? 课件(37张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:89次 大小:24411037Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Let's sing a song. Unit 4 Home Lesson3 Where’s Danny ? I watch TV _____. in the living room 2. I have lunch _____. in the dining room 3. I have a nice dream _____. in the bedroom Let's review. Look! This is Li Ming's new home. One day, Jenny and Danny come to visit(拜访) Li Ming. kitchen 厨房 living room dining room bedroom Where’s Danny? I don’t know. Let's help them to find Danny,OK? (让我们帮助他们找找Danny吧,好吗?) under 在……下面 在……后面 behind Let's watch the cartoon! (注意模仿语音语调) Listen and imitate. 听音模仿 He’s behind the door. Practice It’s on the chair. He’s under the chair. It’s behind the bed. “ She’s behind the door. “ Where’s…? Let's talk. Where’s the book? He’s under the desk. It’s on the desk. Where’s Li Ming? I have a lovely dog, but I can’t find it now. Where is it? Can you help me? “ Let’s say the Chant. “ Let's look back. Act out(表演)! You can add your own language! (你可以加上你自己的语言!) Group discussion.(小组讨论) If you visit(拜访) your friend's home.What is good, and what is not good? Bring (带)some gifts to your friends. Walk around (到处)by yourself(自已). Make yourself at home.(像在自己家) Ask for (要) food or drinks. Play with your friends. Say hello to your friend's parents(父母). “ Your friend's home is not your own home,please pay attention to the etiquette! 朋友家不是自己家,要注意礼仪! Because of mum and dad's hard work,our home is so tidy.(因为爸爸 妈妈的辛苦劳动,我们的家才如此整洁)。 Help your parents to do some housework at home! 在家要帮助父母做一些家务! This Sunday is mother's day,don't forget to send a blessing to your mother! 本周日就是母亲节了, 别忘了给妈妈送上一份祝福! Homework: 1、1次一起作业。 2、抄写第4单元Let's talk. 3、背诵第4单元所有学过的单词。 “ Goodbye! 1.--Where’s the baby? --He’s ____the box. A:in B:on C:behind 2. --Where’s the pen? --It’s ____the box. A:in B:on C:behind 3.--Where’s the pen? --It’s ____the box. A:in B:on C:under 4.--Where’s the pen? --It’s ____the box. A:in B:on C:behind Practice.

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