
Unit 3 At the zoo PB Let's learn & Let's do 课件(31张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:32次 大小:6035968Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 At the zoo Part B Let’s learn& Let’s do Look at that . It's . It has . Look at that . It's . It has . Look at that . It's . Look at that . It's . It has . Look at that . It's . It has . Look at that . It's . It has . Look at that . It's . It has . Look at that . It's . Look at that . It's . It’s a bird. It is big. It’s tall. It’s black and white or brown and grey. It has a small head. It has a long neck. It has long legs It has a short tail. It has a head. It has a body. small big big small It has a tail. It has a legs. short long long short 除此以外,你还能说说这只鸟的其它特征吗? 一.看图,选词填空。 二.看图,判断哪项是正确的。 1.He has a small head. A B 二.看图,判断哪项是正确的。 2.He has long legs. A B 二.看图,判断哪项是正确的。 3.She has long hair (头发). A B 二.看图,判断哪项是正确的。 4.He is thin. A B 根据描述,画出下面的动物。然后向你的朋友介绍你最喜欢的动物。 Look at my dog.It' fat and tall. It has two small eyes and a big nose.They are black.It has a long tongue(舌头)。It's pink(粉色的)。It has a big body. It's white. It has four feet. It's cute(可爱的). I love it.

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