
重庆大学版 高中英语Book 4 Unit 6 Man and Pets 阅读 课件(共31张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:31次 大小:553394Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件31张PPT。高一英语BOOK4 UNIT6 (重大版)UNIT 6 Various Workplaces Getting ready & Reading Getting Ready Where do you think people of the following jobs should work ?People Artist Musician Engineer Pilot Actor News Anchor LawyerWorkplace Stage Factory Law firm Gallery Airplane Concert hall Radio stationWhat factors would you care about when you are choosing a job ?Salary B. Room for advancement C. Bonus D. Workplace E. Work environment F. The boss G. workmates H. Security I. Others :_____ Do you like to work at home?telecommuting ['telik?,mju:ti?] 远程办公 technology(科技)She is working at home. She is called SOHO(Small Office Home Office) people .SOHO people are free to choose where to work . what do you think might be the advantages of working at home ? A. Never worrying about traffic. B. Saving money on gas C. Having few chance to meet people. D. Feeling lonely.. E .Having more sleeping hours. F. Having to dress up yourself.√√ √Telecommuting: Technology Instead of Traffic Reading Skimming 1. Go through first paragraph of the article quickly and find out the word referring to SOHO people: _____a telecommuter2.What is a telecommuter? ['telik?,mju:t?]A telecommuter is someone who works some or all of the time at home. Match the main idea of each paragraph.(连线) Para 1 A. Some factors lead to the growth of telecommuting. Para 2 B. Telecommuting brings about(带来) some good. Para 3 C. Telecommuting is not as perfect as expected. Para 4 D. What are needed for telecommuting to be used in a company Para 5 E. How a telecommuter works.ScanningCareful ReadingTask1. Read the article carefully and complete each of the following sentences by choosing the best answer. 1) Nancy Alley stays at home doing everything but_____ A. talking with managers over the phone B. faxing in paperwork C. walking down the hall to chat with coworker D. wearing pajamas 2) The second paragraph is mostly about _____ A. what makes telecommuting possible B. why some peo1e. telecommute C. who telecommutes D. what kinds of phone lines are required for telecommuting3) By giving an example, the writer tries to prove that _____ A. the experiences of many companies are successful B. telecommuting can increase workplace flexibility and add to productivity C. Georgia Power Company is a pilot telecommuting project D. Georgia Power Company has, increased the number of telecommuters by 300 % 4) According to tie writer, all the followings are disadvantages of telecommuting EXCEPT that ___ workers miss being able to work together with others workers are interrupted at home more often than usual C. workers feel lonely and out of touch D. workers have less sleeping hours5) In Para. 5, the writer draws a conclusion that_____ A. jobs and individual must be suitable B .staff must be able to manage elecommuters C. telecommuting cannot be used to every company D. technological improvements are both important and necessary Task2 Read the following statements and tick out those that are connect ... ...

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