
新世纪高中英语高一上 Unit 4 Holidays and Festivals in the United Kingdom reading 教学课件 (共24张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:19次 大小:103086Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件24张PPT。Unit 4 TextHolidays and Festivals in the United KingdomMy OutlineTo describe a festival usually involves the following: Date Purpose Food Activities My Outline (Christmas)Date: December 25 Purpose: To celebrate the birth of Christ Food: A big goose or turkey dinner Christmas puddingActivitiesOn Christmas Eve: people leave a long stocking hanging by the bed or by the fireplace On Christmas Day: In the morning, many people go to church In the afternoon, people stay at home and open the gifts On Boxing Day: people visit friends or watch football Target lexis varyto be different; change The date of Easter varies each year. It usually falls in March or April.Controlled PracticeWe students vary greatly in ... ... varies with our age. Target lexis fall in / onoccur on a date The date of Easter varies each year. It usually falls in March or April. Controlled PracticeMy birthday falls on ... The Spring Festival usually falls in ... Target lexis observe celebrate On Good Friday (the Friday before Easter, when Christians observe the day on which Christ died)Relevant LexisWe Chinese observe the Spring Festival because ... a time for ... family reunion saying goodbye to the past and welcoming the new Topic: My favourite festivalMy favourite festival is ... The date of ... varies each year. It usually falls in / on ... People observe ... because it is a time for... But for me, it is a time for ... Target lexis decoratemake sth. more beautiful Families decorate their houses in bright colours. Usually a Christmas tree is placed in the front room, shining with coloured lights and interesting decorations.Controlled PracticeWe decorate our classroom with… We decorate our house with ... Target lexis sit down togive time or attention to do sth. In the evening, the family sit down to a big goose dinner. They round off the meal with pudding.Controlled PracticeOn New year’s Eve, we Chinese usually sit down to ...Relevant Lexis sit down to a big feast the Spring Festival Gala let off the fireworksTopic: Activities for the Spring FestivalPeople do a lot to celebrate the Spring Festival. decorate ... with ... sit down to a big feast the Spring Festival Gala let off the fireworks Target lexis have ... offto be free from work December 26, Boxing Day, is also a public holiday. This is the time to visit friends or watch football. Students have several weeks off school for Christmas.Controlled PracticeWe can have ... off for the winter holiday. Relevant Lexis lucky money turn over a new leaf make a new year resolutionTopic: the Spring Festival and I I love the Spring Festival because ... have ... off lucky money turn over a new leaf make a new year resolutionMy Introduction to the Spring FestivalUse the learned lexis to introduce the Spring Festival vary fall in observe decorate sit down to have ... offMy ResponseWhich do you prefer, Christmas or the Spring Festival? Why? What’s your view on more and more students observing the western festivals? AssignmentRevie ... ...

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