
新世纪高三英语下 Unit 5 Future Education Text---reading 教学课件 (共30张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:50次 大小:707825Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件30张PPT。 Unit 5 How to Succeed on Campus prestigious universities……East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) East China Normal UniversityShanghai Tiao Tong University How to succeed on campus? Structure of the Text:Section 1: Para A -- Tips are offered to college students in most American universities. Section 2: Para B-J -- Tips are specifically given in 6 aspects. 1. Be involved 2. Manage time 3. Use effective study methods 4. Stay current 5. Seek help 6. Plan for the future Para A Q: What degree can you get after graduating from college? Q: Who can you turn to for advice on how to get the most of your college education? Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree Doctor’s degree postdoctoral positions ( 博士后研究岗位)On campus, you can turn to…college advisers (counselors /consultants) successful students professors …Tip 1 -- be involved Q: According to Para B, what do the most successful students do in college? … get/are actively involved in… Q: How are they involved in education?focus on adjusting to the academic demands try their best to participate in activities and interact with… become a part of … develop support group that they can turn to for helpan all-round student in my class Related lexis: … is actively involved in… focus on adjusting to the academic demands try his/her best to participate in activities and interact with… become a part of … There is no doubt that he/she is an all-round student in my class.Tip 2 --Manage timeWhat is college known for…? Distractions. Target lexis:distractions -- sth that distracts you from doing sth. or interferes with you in sth. you are doing Practice: … is the biggest distraction in my study. … distracts me from study. Video games Films/TV (stars) Sports (stars) Romance … these distractions? a mess / confusion/ a vicious cycle(恶性循环) solutions: (Para D) 1. ( think about what you want from college and from friends) 1. ?find out our values and priorities 2. (study after breakfast, between classes, whatever works best for you) 2. ? make full use of our spare time 3. ( Don’t cut off all social contacts.) 3. ?live a balanced life 4. (Study Hegel first; and then catch a late movie) 4. ?put priority to the most important thing Topic: Time management Be the master of our time Importance of time management a) time management ?key to success (正说) b) too many distractions ? a vicious cycle (反说) 2. How to manage time well 3. Conclusion Importance of time managementAs a proverb goes, time and tide wait for no man. is key to /vital to … too many distractions lead to a vicious cycle be vital to … --be extremely important to… be key to … How to manage time well find out our values and priorities ( think about what you want from college and from friends) make full use of our spare time (study after breakfast, between classes, whatever works best for you) live a balanced life ( Don’t cut off all social contacts.) put priority to the most important thing (Study Hegel first; an ... ...

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