
Module 8 Story time 全模块同步学案(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:47次 大小:1300480Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 8 Story time ◎第1课时 Unit1 Once upon a time… 课时导学·互动课堂 1. The story begins: Once upon a time... 这个故事的开头是:从前……once upon a time意为“从前、很久以前”,相当于long long ago,常用于故事的开头。【例】Once upon a time there was a king.从前有一个国王。2. She decided to go for a walk in the park with her basket. 她决定提着篮子去公园里散步。decide及物动词,意为“决定”。decide to do sth.意为“决定做某事”,相当于decide on doing sth.【例】My father decided to work hard.我爸爸决定努力学习。 【拓展】decide not to do sth.意为“决定不做某事”。【例】They decide not to go to the park.他们决定不去公园。3. All alone in the dark, dark forest, Goldilocks picked some flowers.金凤花姑娘独自一人在漆黑的森林里,摘了些花。all alone意为“独自一人的”, 其中alone是形容词,意思是“单独的、独自的”。【例】I like being alone in the house. 我喜欢独自一人呆在家里。【拓展】辨析alone与lonely alone 形容词,也可作副词,意为“单独的、独自的”。只强调一个人,没有感彩。 lonely形容词,意为“寂寞的,孤独的”。强调寂寞、孤独的感觉,有感彩。 4. Then she noticed a little house, … knocked on the door.她注意到一幢小房子,……敲了敲门。(1)notice动词,意为“注意到”。notice sb. doing sth.意为“注意到某人正在做某事”; notice sb. do sth.意为“注意到某人做了某事”。【例】I noticed her standing behind me.我注意到她正站在我后面。 (2)knock 不及物动词,意为“敲”,常与介词at或on连用。【例】Listening! Someone is knocking on/at the door.听!有人在敲门。5. She picked up the very big bowl but she didn’t like it. 她拿起了那个特别大的碗,但她不喜欢。pick up 意为“拿起;举起;捡起”,是动副短语,名词作宾语时,放在up前后均可;代词作宾语时须放在up之前。【例】Puck the book up.=Pick up the book.把书捡起来。一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1. I got off the bus and ran_____(朝……方向)my parents. 2. I’m so hungry and I want to eat two_____(碗)of rice for lunch. 3. He looked _____ (环绕,围绕) but didn’t see anyone. 4.The boy _____(决定) to finish the homework after school. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I noticed her _____(sing) in the room. 2. The weather was bad. They decided _____(not go) out. 3. After she finished _____(sing) the song, she said “Thank you!” to us.4. I;m always _____(lose) in big cities. 新知导引1.单词新认知(1) forest_____(2) notice _____ (3) decide_____ (4)pick ____ (5) 进入____(6) 敲____2. 短语零距离 (1) once upon a time _____(2) decide to do sth. _____(3) knock on ___(4)拿起,举___ (5)独自一人的_____3.句型面对面 (1) 她决定提着篮子去公园里散步。She _____ _____ _____for a walk in the park with her basket. (2) 并且不久,她迷路了。And _____ she was_____.(3) 她拿起了那个特别大的碗,但她不喜欢。She _____ ____ the very big bowl but she didn’t like it. 例题1 Though she is _____ athome, she doesn’t feel_____ .A. alone; lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone; alone D. lonely; lonely答案 A点拨 句意:虽然她独自在家,但她并不感到孤独。alone意为“单独的、独自的”,无感彩;lonely意为“寂寞的,孤独的”, 有感彩。故选A。例题2 Please _____ the door before you come in. A. knoc ... ...

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