
Unit 5 Good manners 期末复习要点讲义+巩固测试(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:66次 大小:1356288Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津译林版英语八下 期末复习单元要点讲义与巩固测试 Unit 5 单元要点讲义 1. Second, don’t cut in on others. 第二,不要打断别人。(教材第64页) cut in (on sb/sth)意为“打断(谈话),插嘴”。 【拓展】含cut的动词短语: cut back 减少,削减; cut down 砍倒;cut off 剪下,切断; cut out 剪出,删除;cut into 切成; cut up 切碎 【中考链接】 (2018·辽宁辽阳) We can △ useless information in the article to make it easier to understand. A. cut up B. cut out C. cut into D. cut off 2. Always wait politely. 要始终礼貌地等待 (教材第64页) politely副词,意为“礼貌地”,常用来修饰动词。 【拓展】 polite形容词,意为“礼貌的”,可用作定语、表语等。它的反义词是impolite,意为“不礼貌的”。 【中考链接】 (2018·甘肃天水) Asking for help (礼貌地) is very important. 3. queue for your turn 排队等轮到你(教材第65页) turn用作名词,意为“轮流,(轮流的)顺序”,It’s one’s turn to do sth“轮到某人做某事”,take turns to do sth=do sth in turn=do sth by turns“轮流做某事”。 【拓展】 turn可用作动词,也可作连系动词,意为“变得;翻转,使转向”。 【中考链接】 (2017·山东潍坊) —Excuse me. Which is the way to the library? —_____ A. Go along the street, turn left at the first crossing on your left. B. Go along the street, turn right at the first crossing, it’s on your left. C. Go along the street, turn left at the first crossing, it’s on your right. D. Go along the street, turn right at the first crossing, it’s on your right. 4. What’s the proper way to greet people there, Jenny? 珍妮,在那儿和人们打招呼的正确方式是什么?(教材第66页) proper形容词,意为“符合习俗的;正确的”,其副词为properly,同义词为right或 suitable。 【中考链接】 (2018·江苏无锡) 明星该如何得体吸引粉丝注意,网上对此曾有热议。 There was a heated online discussion on_____. 5. Well, British people say “hello” or “nice to meet you” and shake your hand when they meet you for the first time. 嗯,当英国人第一次和你见面时,他们说“你好”或“见到你很高兴”,并且和你握手。(教材第66页) (1)shake sb’s hand表示“与某人握手”,相当于shake hands with sb。 【中考链接】 (2018·甘肃武威)—What are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time in the US? — _____ A. They’re supposed to kiss each other. B. They’re supposed to bow. C. They’re expected to shake hands. D. They’re expected to hug. (2)for the first time表示“首次,第一次”。表示有生以来或一段时间内第一次做某事,在句中一般单独做时间状语。 【拓展】 the first time意为“首次,第一次”,强调到说话时为止某一情况或动作的第一次,通常用来引导时间状语从句。 6. British people only greet relatives or close friends with a kiss. 英国人只和亲戚或亲密的朋友用亲吻打招呼。(教材第66页) close用作形容词,意为“亲密的;严密的”,表示关系或感情上“亲近的”,可做定语或表语。固定短语be close to sb意为“与某人关系亲密”。 【拓展】 close还可做及物动词,意为“关闭”,其反义词是open“打开”。 【中考链接】 (2018 ? 新疆乌鲁木齐) 习近平总书记说过:“我们现在比历史上任何时候都更接近实现中国梦。” “ Chinese dream is now getting to us than ... ...

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