
人教版高中人 英语选修8Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors using language II 课件 (共18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:94次 大小:957920Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件18张PPT。 Book8 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Using Language II FEASTTHE FEAST: 18,000 BC READINGTask 1 Fast reading Read quickly and match the main idea. Paragraph 1 A. the description of Dahu. Paragraph 2 B. Lala and her families made preparations for the feast. Paragraph 3 C. how did Dahu make tools. Paragraph4 D. Lala worried about the preparations for the feast and she hoped the feast could be a good as the one last year.This text is mainly an imaginative story about a family feast of ____.? A. a girl?B. a man? C. a modern girl D.a girl of the earliest people? 2. From the first paragraph, we can learn that the family groups lived on _____.? A. fish B. crops?C. hunting D. farmingD C Task 2 Careful reading Read the text carefully and find the best answers . 3. Lala’s guests came to ____.? A. enjoy a feast? B. talk about an important thing? C. dance? D. see Lala 4. Dahu went out to sharpen the scrapers to _____.? A. kill an enemy B. use them as weapons? C. scrape the fish D. cut stonesA C 5. From the text we can infer that family groups _____.? A. lived together B. lived far away? C. lived in the same cave D. lived separatelyD Task 3. Summary Not having _____ and planned better, Lala felt very worried about the preparations for her feast. So she turned for home quickly with her _____ of nuts and fruits. When she was near home, a delicious smell _____ her progress and she became dizzy with hunger. She Saw her mother and aunts _____ the deer and pig Meat over the fire. Just then Dahu, her _____, as well as the best _____, came back with several _____and some piece of wood. Later he began his task: he _____ his scrapers until they were sharp enough to _____ the meat and to scrape the fish. Soon, the first of the guests began to arrive. Lala hoped it was going to be just as _____as last year. looked aheadcollectionarrestedpreparinghusbandtoolmakerfishsharpenedcut up wonderfulTask1. Discuss and find out what the possible work division was between men and women in primitive societies and fill in the chart below. Making and repairing toolsHunting animalsProtecting the group from harmCutting down treesLooking after childrenPreparing skins to make clothesCutting up meat and fish for cookingCollecting nuts, fruit and waterTask 2 In groups work out which jobs Dahu did and which Lala did. catch fish, repair stone tools, make scrapers and axe-headscollect fruit and nuts, prepare foodTask 3. Now look closely at the tasks before and discuss which adjectives best describe each of them. Give your reasons. caring tough protective dangerous safe useful co-operative patient individual exhausting skilful Men’s tasks: Women’s tasks: patient (tool making), dangerous (hunting), some individual (tool making and repairing) and some co-operative (hunting), skilful (tool making), protective (of group)co-operative (cooking), caring (providing food), patient (collecting food), skilful (cooking),individual (collecting nuts and fruit) Homework Try to write a short pass ... ...

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