
Lesson7 At The Zoo 课件(21张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:33次 大小:3121152Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Swim swim , fish can swim. Fly fly, birds can fly. Run run, horses can run. Jump jump, rabbits can jump. Sing sing, I can sing. Dance dance, I can dance. What's this? What’s this? It’s a . zoo What’s this? It’s a . panda What’s this? It’s a . monkey What’s this? It’s . elephant an zoo panda monkey elephant What’s missing? big small Big or small? fat thin Fat or thin? Look and say. The _____ is _____. Look and say. The _____ is _____. This apple is . That apple is . small big He is . She is . fat thin Big, big, big, The elephant is big. Small, small, small, The bird is small. Fat, fat, fat, The panda is fat. Thin, thin, thin, The monkey is thin. 说一说,画一画。 The cat is small . Animals a.small cat b. big c. thin d. fat It's_____. It's_____. It can_____. black and white fat climb (white black brown yellow orange grey red blue green) (fat thin big small tall short) (swim run jump climb walk fly) What’s this? Guess the animals. Look at the monkey. It’s brown. The monkey is thin. It can jump. 描述一种你喜欢的动物(特征、本领等): 例如:

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