
Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?S ection A 1a-2c(课件+教案+学案)24张PPT

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:27次 大小:22212106Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit4 why don't you talk to your parents ? (第一课时) Section A (1a-2c) 学案 姓名: 一、Learning goals. 1.掌握allow, guess, wrong , what ‘s wrong, allow sb. to do sth.等单词和短语; 掌握提建议的基本句型:Why don’t you/Why not/could/should等。 2.能够用以上目标语言表述问题,提出建议。 3.学会应对困难,在沟通和分享中释放压力。 二、Listen and fill in the blanks. A: You look really tired. What’s the matter B: I studied until midnight last night so I didn’t get enough sleep. A: earlier tonight . B: But I have two after-school classes today. So I can only start studying after dinner. A:Maybe that you can’t do so many things. B: I did, but I think it’s important that I take more after-school classes. A: Well, they probably want you to get into a good senior high school. B: Yes, I guess that’s the reason. A: . Explain to them you need to get enough sleep to stay healthy. B: That’s a good idea. OK, I’ll try to talk to them again. 三、How do you give sb advice Advice 四、Sharing. Name: Problem: Advice:(课件网) Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Section A 1a—2c Trouble is a friend. Troubling will find you, no matter where you go. What can you hear in the song sleep late ... too many after-school classes friends study free time Problems 1.I have to study too much so I don’t get enough sleep. 2.I have too much homework so I don’t have any free time to do things I like. 3.My parents don’t allow(允许) me to hang out with my friends. 4.I have too many after-school classes. 5.I got into a fight with my best friend. Mary's Problems 1.I have to study too much so I don’t get enough sleep. 2.I have too much homework so I don’t have any free time to do things I like. 3.My parents don’t allow me to hang out with my friends. 4.I have too many after-school classes. 5.I got into a fight with my best friend. 1b A: You look really tired. What’s the matter B: I studied until midnight last night so I didn’t get enough sleep. A: earlier tonight B: But I have two after-school classes today. So I can only start studying after dinner. A: Maybe that you can’t do so many things. B: I did, but I think it’s important that I take more after-school classes. A: Well, they probably want you to get into a good senior high school. B: Yes, I guess that’s the reason. A: Explain to them you need to get enough sleep to stay healthy. B: That’s a good idea. OK, I’ll try to talk to them again. Why don’t you go to sleep you should tell your parents You should talk to them again. You can start studying earlier. A: You look 'really 'tired. What’s the matter ↘ B: I studied until 'midnight/ last night/ so I 'didn’t get enough 'sleep.↘ A: Why don’t you go to sleep 'earlier tonight ↘ You can start studying earlier.↘ B: But I have 'two after-school classes today. ↘ So I can 'only start studying after dinner.↘ A: Maybe/ you should tell your 'parents/ that you 'can’t do/ 'so many things. ↘ B: I did, but I t ... ...

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