
人教版七年级英语下册 Unit8 Is there a post office near here? Section A 1a-1c课件35张

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:53次 大小:4834902Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件35张PPT。Unit 8Section A 1a-1cIs there a post office near here?library Do you know these places supermarket park bridgeHelp me !Where can I go? I want to borrow(借) a book.library /'laibr?ri/ 图书馆Where can I go? I want to send(邮寄) letters.post office /p?ust/ /'?fis/ 邮局Where can I go? I am hungry. I want to eat something.restaurant /'rest?r?nt/ 餐馆Where can I go? I am tired(累). I want to find a place to sleep.hotel /h?u'tel/ 酒店;旅馆Where can I go? I have a lot of money, I want it safe(安全的).bank /b??k/ 银行Where can I go? My phone doesn't work. I want to call my father.pay phone /pei/ /f?un/ 付费电话Where can I go? I get lost and I lost my ID card and all my money.police station /p?'li:s/ /'stei??n/ 警察局 Where can I go? I am sick(生病).hospital /'h?spitl/ 医院 post office /p?ust/ /'?fis/ 邮局 police station /p?'li:s/ /'stei??n/ 警察局 hotel /h?u'tel/ 酒店;旅馆 restaurant /'rest?r?nt/ 餐馆 bank /b??k/ 银行 hospital /'h?spitl/ 医院 pay phone /pei/ /f?un/ 付费电话 street /stri:t/ 大街 near /ni?/ 在......附近 New word654321123456Work in groups, Close your book and take out a piece of paper. Write down the places you see.最强大脑01号题1098765432102号题1098765432103号题1098765432104号题1098765432105号题1098765432106号题109876543211a Match the words with the places.1. post office __ 2. police station__ 3. hotel __ 4. restaurant __ 5. bank __ 6. hospital __ 7. street __ 8. pay phone __ 9. park ___agdihecbfListen and circle the places you hear in 1a.1bListen again and fill in the blanks.1.A: Is there a restaurant ____ Bridge Street? B: Yes, _____ _____. 2.A: Is there a post office _____ here? B: Um, yes, there is. There's one____Long Street. 3.A: Is there a _____on Center Street? B:No, there_____. isn'thospitalontherenearisonRole-playWork in groups, and make your conversations.A: Excuse me. post office hospital hotel restaurant bank ... B: Yes, there is./ No, there isn't. Is there anear here?PracticeA: Is there a _____near here? B: Yes, there is. No, there isn't.课堂小结(一)There is/are…句型表示的是:_____, 其结构为_____. 一般疑问句为_____. 某地有某人或某物There be( is,are)+某人/某物+地点 Is/ Are there +某人/某物+地点? 1. 模仿P43 1c,再写出5组对话。 2.背诵P43单词(13个) 3.预习P44HomeworkThank you!

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