
Lesson 6 Baby Becky at home 习题课件 (23张PPT)

日期:2024-05-19 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:49次 大小:479534Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件23张PPT。Unit 1 Li Ming Goes to CanadaPEP 六年级上册 Lesson 6 Baby Becky at Home一、根据Baby Becky的故事完成下列任务。(教材第12~13页) (一)根据故事内容选择正确的一项。 (  )1. Becky _____ with the dishes. A. makes a room  B. makes a house C. cooks eggsB(  )2. Becky sees _____ in the fridge. A. tomatoes, eggs and milk B. potatoes, eggs and milk C. carrots, eggs and milk (  )3. Becky cooks _____ for dinner. A. tomatoes B. eggs C. potatoesAB(  )4. Becky puts _____. A. her toy in the chair B. her toy in the fridge C. her toy in the toilet (  )5. It's six o'clock. Time _____. A. to sleep B. for lunch C. to make dinnerCC(二)用箭头画出故事中Baby Becky 的路线图。【关键信息梳理法】方法点拨: 此题可用关键信息梳理法解题。即按照故事的发生顺序梳理关键信息,得出答案。我们首先观察故事中Baby Becky每个活动发生的房间,并在题目中的房间上标上数字,最后就可以得出答案了。(三) 认真阅读故事,完成以下各题。 1. What does Baby Becky do to “help” her mother? She _____ and_____. dries the dishescooks eggs for dinner(  )2. Why does Becky's mother say that “it's yours now”? A. Because the kitchen is Becky's. B. Because Becky messes up (弄乱) the kitchen. C. Because her mother wants to give the kitchen to Becky. B(  )3. Does Baby Becky help her mother at home? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn't. C. Yes, she is.B二、阅读短文,完成任务。 (一)认真观察下边的户型图,完成任务。A. 选择正确的一项。 (  )1. Except the terrace(露台、阳台) and the stair, there are _____ rooms on the first floor. A. two B. three C. fourC(  )2. Except the terrace and the stair, there are _____ rooms on the second floor. A. four B. five C. six (  )3. There is(are)_____ bathroom(s) in this house. A. one B. two C. three BB(  )4. There is(are) _____ bedroom(s) in this house. A. one B. two C. three (  )5. There is(are) _____ living room(s) in this house. A. one B. two C. three BAB. 根据户型图的房间布局以及你的生活经验,选择正确答案。(  )1. If there are two floors in a house, the study is often on the _____. A. first floor B. second floor (  )2. The kitchen is often on the _____. A. first floor B. second floorBA(  )3. Grandmother and grandfather's bedroom is often on the _____. A. first floor B. second floor (  )4. If there is only one living room, it is often on the _____. A. first floor B. second floor (  )5. The dining room(餐厅) is near the _____. A. bedroom B. kitchenAAB方法点拨: 此题需要先在图片中找寻关键信息,如看客厅在几楼,书房在几楼,同时要结合自己的生活常识来进行判断。书房是学习的地方,需要安静的环境,所以应该在上一层。而爷爷奶奶年龄大了,腿脚多有不便,一般住在不用上下楼的一层,厨房和餐厅需要邻近,方便摆饭。客厅是用来迎接客人的地方,当然是在一层比较方便。(二)阅读短文,完成任务。 _____ This year, my father goes to a new school to work. It's very far from our home. So we move to a house. It's a very big one. It's not new. There are many rooms in this house. My grandfather and grandmother's bedroom is big. It's near the kitchen on the first floor. My grandmothe ... ...

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