

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:80次 大小:50961Byte 来源:二一课件通
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绥滨一中2018-2019下学期高二期中考试英语试卷 (时间:2小时 分值:150分 命题人: 高二备课组) 班级:_____ 姓名:_____ 第I卷 Ⅰ基础知识考察(20题,每题1.5分,共30分) If the task is too difficult, learners may lose_____(动力). motivation B. motivated C. motivity They had the ambition to _____(控制) this small company. A. generation B. observe C. dominate. Their _____(婚姻) is happy. A. married B. marriage C. marry. Good _____(交流) is important in people’s relationship. A. command B.communication C. community A_____(好强的) person loves to win and hates to lose. A. competition B. compete C. competitive A_____(提供食宿的) school is a school where students live as well as study. A. board B. boarding C. aboard _____ matters most in learning English is enough practice. A. What B. That C. Which When I told my Western friends where I had been, they looked at me in _____(惊讶) A. astonishing B. astonishment C. surprised _____ the lady arrived at the airport did she realize she had left her passport at home. A. When B. Not until C. Not when Students should be given more chances to take part-time jobs so as to _____more experiences A. accomplish B. attain C. accumulate The post requires _____(复杂的) communicational skills and a wide scope of knowledge. A.sophisticated B. declined C. desperate There was a large crowd in the square, _____ against the war. A. struggling B. devoting C. protesting She sent the good news to her family _____ she got the admission notice. A. the moment B. the time C. the minutes There are 55_____ in our country. A. nations B. minorities C. majorities I intend to transfer the _____ to my son. A. property B. appetite C. proposal _____ the letter before putting it in the envelope. A. Unlock B. Unfold C. Fold The class is so noisy that the teacher can’t make himself_____. A. hear B. heard C. hearing _____ of their skin to strong sunlight can be harmful. A. Expose B. Explore C.Exposure Children should be taught the _____ of protecting environment from childhood. A. awareness B. feeling C. emotion His proposal is that we _____ TV half an hour every day. A. turn back B. turn off C. should turn away 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30 分) A Leisure time classes for kids can help bored children learn how to make something new. These classes include building classes and craft classes that are full of fun. Home Depot Home Depot’s Kids Workshops happen on the first Saturday of every month. Past projects have included model race cars,mail organizers, picture frames, and planters. Class are free. You ’ll have to sign up for the workshops to make sure your child has a spot and that there are enough building materials to go around. These sometimes fill up quickly, so early action is necessary. Pottery Barn Kids Pottery Barn Kids hosts free classes for kids almost every weekend at stores along with free weekly story time for kids of all ages. These classes often include a special craft, texts from popular childre ... ...

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