

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:34次 大小:1380822Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    九年级二模参考答案 2018-2019 一、听力理解 1-4: ACCC 5~9: CACAB 10~14:BCBCC 15-17:CBB 18-20: AAC 二、单项填空 21-25: DDDCC 26-30: CBBCA 31-35:BBDCD 三、完形填空 36-40: BCABC 41-45: BDAAB 四、阅读理解 46-50: DABAD 51-55: CCCAC 56-60: BCDCD 五、补全对话 61-65: BDACG 六、完成句子 66. daily life 67. in person 68. Thanks to 69. According to 70. try out 七、任务型阅读 71. Britain's most famous historical places 72. see the sun rising on the longest day of the year 73.temple 74. a kind of calendar 75. No one 八、综合填空 76. easy 77. luckily 78.famous 79.secret 80.different 81.like 82.others 83. write 84.when/while 85.something/stories 九、书面表达 One possible version: When I have trouble with my best friend There are always problems around us, even between close friends. Let me tell you something about myself. Last Sunday my best friend Lisa lost my favourite book that was a birthday present from my mother. The book is very meaningful for me. What’s more, she didn’t apologize to me about this, I felt quite sad. I love reading, because it can open up our eyes and increase our knowledge. I cherish every book of mine and they are my treasure. So I am going to have a serious talk with Lisa in order to tell her my true feelings. I think we can buy a new one and read it together. In fact, understanding is the most important thing between friends. 书面表达: 各档次的给分范围和要求 第五档:(13~15分)能写明全部或绝大部分内容要点;语言基本无误;行文连贯,表达清楚。 第四档:(10~12分)能写明全部或大部分内容要点;语言有少量错误;行文基本连贯,表达基本清楚。 第三档:(7~9分)能写明大部分内容要点;语言有较多错误;尚能达意。 第二档:(4~6分)只能写出少部分内容要点;语言错误很多,只有个别句子可读。 第一档:(0~3分)只能写出与所要求内容有关的一些单词。

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