
人教版高二英语选修6 Unit 2 Poems(8份打包无答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:52次 大小:69673Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课题:Unit 2 Poems Lesson 3 (language points) 【学习目标】 学习并掌握以下重点词汇的用法: run out of, take it easy, is made up of, sponsor. 【学法指导】 自主完成短语互译 合作学习词汇的用法 【课前预习】选词填空 选词填空 1.Heat can _____ water into steam. 2. After a long distance driving, we _____ petrol. 3.There is enough time. _____. 4.Our class _____ 45 students and 7 teachers. 5.The institute _____ a project to protect the environment. 6. I am going to travel abroad, so I go to _____ some RMB for dollars in bank. 【课堂演练】 1. run out of _____ run out _____ 翻译1)His energy soon ran out. 2)We are running out of our time. ①辨析 run out 与 run out of _____- ②练习:他总是没到月底就用光了他的钱。 拓展:run across_____ run after _____ run around_____ run away _____ run into_____ use up_____ 2. be made up of=consist of _____ make up _____ ①1)The United Kingdom is made up of four main parts. (同义句) =_____ 2)People of widely different abilities make up the society. 翻译:_____ ②补全句子: Eleven players _____ _____a football team. = A football team _____ _____ _____ _____11 players. 拓展:make use of_____ make progress _____ be made of/ from_____ make up for _____ make up one’s mind_____ make it_____ make one’s way to _____ make sure _____ 3.take it easy_____ 翻译1) Everything will get better. Take it easy. 2) I want to take it easy when I am on holiday. 4.sponsor n._____ vt._____ 翻译1) The exhibition was sponsored by the Society of Culture. 2) Have you found out the sponsor of our basketball match? 汉译英 1) 在赞助商的帮助下,我们成功地举办了这次聚会。 _____ 2) 志愿者发起了一项保护野生动物的活动。 _____ 【达标检测】单句翻译 1.别着急,慢慢来,你妈妈的身体会康复的。 _____ 2.美国由54个州组成。 _____ 3.没有人能用完他的智慧。_____ 【课后延伸】 单句改错 1.Five players made up of a basketball team. 2.Over exploration transforms the land into a desert. 3.Take this easy, I’m sure you can pass the exam. 4.Our salt has run out of and you’d better buy some. 5.To our delighted, we have won the 400-meter-race. 课后反思:(你在本节课学到了什么?还有哪些疑问?) 课题:Unit 2 Poems Lesson 2 (Reading) 【学习目标】 1. 了解诗歌的由来和分类。 2. 训练学生的阅读技能:抓主旨,提取有效信息的能力。 【学法指导】 自主学习文章,抓文章主旨,合作学习提取有效的信息。 【课前预习】 英汉互译 (Refer to the dictionary or book) 1.appropriate(adj.) _____ 2.sponsor(v.) _____ (n.)_____ 3. delight(v.n.)_____快乐的(adj.) _____4.交换(v./n.)_____ 5.eventually(adv) _____ (adj.) _____6.转换(v.)_____ 7. 五行诗(n.)_____8. 俳句(n.) _____ 9. let out _____ 10. Tang poems _____ 11. List poems_____ 12. Nursery rhymes _____ 13. make sense_____ 14.测试 _____ 15. 尤其,特别_____ 【课堂演练】 Step 1 Translations. ①If you would ask me how my sorrow has increased, _____ Just see the over-brimming river flowing east! _____ ②I look for her in vain. _____ When all at once I turn my head, _____ I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed. _____ Step 2 Reading Task 1 Fast reading 1. What does ... ...

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