
Unit 3 My father is a writer. 单元测试题(含答案,听力音频,听力材料)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:65次 大小:1000082Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 3 My father is a writer. 满分:100分 时间:60分钟 得分:    ? 听力部分 一、 听录音,选出听到的单词。(10分) (  )1. A. actor      B. act       C. actress (  )2. A. father      B. mother      C. aunt (  )3. A. writer      B. worker     C. write (  )4. A. work      B. parents     C. job (  )5. A. police      B. policeman    C. policewoman 二、 听录音,给图片标序号。(10分) (  )   (  )   (  )   (  )   (  ) 三、 听录音,选出正确的答语。(10分) (  )1. A. He's a doctor.        B. She's a nurse (  )2. A. He's a policeman       B. She's an actress. (  )3. A. He's my uncle.        B. She's my aunt. (  )4. A. Yes, she is.         B. No, he is. (  )5. A. Sorry, I don't know.      B. That's a good idea. 四、 听录音,完成句子。(10分) 1. This is my       . She's a teacher.? 2. I want to be an       in the future.? 3. What does your       do?? 4. Is she a       ?? 5. — Who is that woman?——— She's my      .? 笔试部分 五、 选出正确的字母组合,补全单词。(10分) (  )1. actr  s     A. es       B. se      C. os? (  )2. fath        A. or       B. ir      C. er? (  )3. t  cher     A. ea       B. ee      C. ie? (  )4. policewom     A. en       B. an      C. on  ? (  )5. p  ents     A. or       B. er      C. ar? 六、 给图片选出合适的单词。(10分) (  )1.    (  )2.    (  )3. (  )4. (  )5. A. worker  B. nurse  C. policewoman  D. teacher  E. dancer 七、 选择正确的答案。(10分) (  )1. This is my     . She's a worker.? A. brother   B. father        C. mother (  )2. That is my     . He is a doctor.? A. aunt        B. uncle        C. sister (  )3. — Is your aunt an actress?———      , she's a factory worker.? A. No         B. Yes         C. Oh (  )4. Let      introduce my parents to you.? A. I          B. she         C. me (  )5. What      you want to be in the future?? A. do         B. does         C. are 八、 连词成句。(10分) 1. newspaper at today's look (.)                         ? 2. uniform great his looks he in (.)                         ? 3. future policewoman the want I be in to a (.)                         ? 4. idea that a is good (.)                         ? 5. mother do what your does (?)                         ? 九、 选择合适的答语。(10分) (  )1. What does your father do? (  )2. What's her job? (  )3. Is your uncle a policeman? (  )4. Is your aunt a nurse? (  )5. Who's that woman?      A. Yes, she is. B. She's my mother. C. No. He's a doctor. D. He's an actor. E. She's a writer. 十、 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(10分) Hello, every ... ...

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