
Unit 4 Then and now PartB Read and write 课件(17张ppt)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:27次 大小:1680531Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件17张PPT。Unit4 Then and nowB Read and writelet's chant have--had--had a race clean--cleaned--cleaned my room go--went--went fishing ride--rode--rode a bike visit--visited drink--drank wash--washed feel--felt stay--stayed run--ran fall--fell see--saw do--did hurt--hurt make--made read--read make a new chantWhat...?Where...?How...?Did...?...What did he see?Where did he go?How did he go to the room?Did he take any pictures in his dream?Did you have a dream last night?WuYifan' dreamGuess what was in his dream?had a racecheetahWhich one runs faster!cheetahthere is have there are drink fall think give feel run win wake trip say can there wasfeltthoughtdrankhadtrippedwonfellgaveranwokesaidcouldthere wereHe ran with a cheetah.Now ,he is in bed .He wakes up(醒来) .He had a dream last night .123First reading: read quickly, and number the picture.Second reading: read it carefully and answer the following questions.1、Why was Wu Yifan worried? 2、What happened when Robin gave him some water?3、Why did he wake up?Because his father ran very fast ,but Wu Yifan could not.He could run fast again.Because he suddenly tripped and fell.Listen and imitate连读 升调 Third reading: Retell the storyWu Yifan is telling his mother his dream。。。Wu Yifan: Mum, I ___ an interesting dream last night. Mum: What did you dream about? Wu Yifan: I had a race with Dad and Max, but I __ _ _ __ Mum: What happened then? Wu Yifan: Robin __ me some water. I __it and then could run very fast.Suddenly I tripped and fell. Then I woke up. Mum: What a dream!Listen and fill in the blanks. hadcouldn’trunfastgavedranka bad guykungfu, fightI had a dream last night. In my dream, I was a __ . I had ___. I ____ . I had a___ with him. Finally, I ___. Then I woke up. What a dream! supermanKungfu met a bad guyfightwonDid you have an interesting dream? Share it….I had a dream last night. In my dream, I was a __. I had ___. I ____. I ____.Finally, I ___. Then I woke up. What a dream!Sample:Goodbye!

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