
2018—2019学年人教版九年级英语初三专项复习--八年级下 Unit 1-5单词分类总复习二(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:39次 大小:40800Byte 来源:二一课件通
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山东省济宁第八中学2018—2019学年人教版九年级英语初三专项复习--八年级下 Unit 1-5单词分类总复习二 Unit 1 What's the matter? 一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词。 A 1.Don`t get stressed out, You should listen to some music and r_____ 2.Dongdong has a s_____. He can`t eat anything for 24 hours. 3.He can`t speak well. he has a sore t_____. 4.I have a t_____. I have to see a dentist I`m not feeling well. I have a f_____. 6.I think you should take your t_____ 7.I don`t feel well. I have a h_____. 8.Look! There is a ring around the dog`s n_____. 9.Most animals have four f_____. 10.Suddenly he fell off a tree and h_____ his legs. It seemed that he couldn`t move. B 1. Do you know the     (重要性) of this ring? 2. The little dog’s     (死) made Nancy very sad. 3. Who is     (掌管) the project? 4. Lisa wants to be a     (护士) when she grows up. 5. Does your company have a good financial (财务的)     (情况)? 6. We don’t want to     (冒险) with the business. 7. It took me     (几乎) an hour to get there. 8. This kind of chocolate is one pound a     (千克). 9. We should learn from his great     (精神). 10. Alex had a car accident and lost much     (血). 11.Two days later,the police found him behind the _____(岩石). 12.This _____(意思是) that you have to ask your parents for help. 13.The _____(状况) is difficult,but they are trying to change it. 14.Alex had a car accident and lost much _____(血). 15.We should learn from his great _____(精神). 二、根据句意,用适当形式填空。 1. Let’s go there on f_____, so we can enjoy the scenery. 2. There are several _____(小刀) on the shelf. 3. People feel w_____ after a long illness. 4. Tom makes his mother a_____ because he spends too much time on computer games. 5. France is a w_____ country. 6. I don’t know the _____(意思) of the new word. 7. She made a great _____(决定) after graduation. 8. Many people lost their _____(生命) in the serious accident. 9. The baby kept on _____(cry) until the mother came back. 10. He left the classroom without _____(say) anything. Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. 一、根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。 1. There was a(n) _____ (通知) on the board saying the class had been cancelled (取消). 2. One of the boys was pushing the other along in a little box on _____ (轮子). 3. We should care for the _____ (有残疾的) people. 4. Lisa met with many _____ (困难) when traveling. 5. I was tired so my friend _____ (扛) my heavy bag for me. 6.The child is d_____. He can't hear anything. 7.Nancy put her head back to stop the b_____ from her nose. 8.Mr.Wang loves his job and he gets great s_____ from it. 9.You have a cold. Drinking a lot of water can help you stop c_____. 10.My watch doesn't work. Can you help me to r_____ it? 11.We could finish the work on time b_____ of your kind help. 12. Our school is ready to _____ (募集) money for the old people in the poor area. 13.You can come here for help if you have _____ (困难). 14.We got a ... ...

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