
Unit4 Then and now PartB 课件(共33张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:48次 大小:22157955Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件33张PPT。 B Let’s talkPEP小学六年级英语下册Unit 4 Then and nowSharp eyes温馨提示:带有 不要读哦! Game快速读单词short hairwintersmalltallstronggrapesthinbeefstrictquietsummereggsglassesswimwash clothesdancespeak Englishpinkdo kungfuplay basketballpurpledraw pictureslongwintersmallstrongstronggrapestallorangeskindbeefstrictquietsummereggsdogsglassescook dinnerswimride a bikewash clothesdancespeak Englishpinkdo kungfuplay basketballpurpledraw picturesshort hairthin 动词/词组 形容词名词play football play basketball play ping-pong cook dinner wash clothes draw pictures speak Englishtall short long strong thin fat cute ride a bike swim dance do kungfu clean … room make sushi play the pipa quite active kind strict small shy big summer winter grapes oranges dogs eggs beef Topic:谈论变化Topic:谈论变化20 years agoLet’s try Mike’s friends are visiting his home. What are they doing in his home? Listen and circle. What are they talking about? A. Mike’s hobby B. Mike’s old photos. 2. What grade was Mike in? A. Grade 1 B. Grade 5.P36 Let’s tryListen and circle(年级)Look and guessAny other changes?Mike’s old photosBefore, Mike’s hair was _____. Now it’s _____.longshortHow did Mike change?Listen and tickDiscuss and choose(小组讨论)A. I don’t like pink B. I go swimming every dayC. I am quietD. I was quietE. I go cycling every day根据上下文想一想,空白的部分应该填什么句子呢?Listen and checkA. I don’t like pink B. I go swimming every dayC. I am quietD. I was quietE. I go cycling every dayADEI don’t like pink I was quiet I go cycling every day Try, listen and imitateC: John, come and look at Mike’s old photos. J: That’s funny, Mike! You are wearing a pink T-shirt. M: Yes, but I don’t like pink now. C: We are all different now. M: Right. Before, I was quiet. Now, I am very active in class. How about you? J: Well, I was short, so I couldn’t ride my bike well. Now, I go cycling every day. I like it very much. C: That’s good exercise.Tips: Pay attention to the tone(语调) and the pause (停顿).Try, listen and imitateC: John, come and look at Mike’s old photos. J: That’s funny, Mike! You are wearing a pink T-shirt. M: Yes, but I don’t like pink now. C: We are all different now. M: Right. Before, I was quiet. Now, I am very active in class. How about you? J: Well, I was short, so I couldn’t ride my bike well. Now, I go cycling every day. I like it very much. C: That’s good exercise.Tips: Try to use these words when you are talking. (在对话时用上这些连接词会使对话更加自然) Watch the video, pay attention to the gestures. (观看视频,注意人物的表情和动作) 2. Play the roles in your group. (在小组内分角色扮演, 注意语音语调,表情和动作哦!) 3. Show time.(表演时间,你能拿几颗星?)Let’s actPair work:Try to retell(复述) Mike was _____ before. He had ____ hair. He _____ pink. Now, he is _____ in class. He doesn’t like _____. John was _____ before. He couldn’t _____ well before. Now, he is _____. He can _____ every day. They are different.Try to ret ... ...

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