
Unit 4 Then and now PB 课件(27张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:37次 大小:10351954Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件27张PPT。 Unit 4 then and nowSay something about your English teacher Say something about your English teacher I ’m tall . My hair is long . I can speak English well . I can teach . I …Say something about your English teacher thirty years ago dancego cycling make a snowmanmake friends ( True or False )Thirty years ago, I could dance . Thirty years ago , I could speak English .Thirty years ago , I could teach . Thirty years ago , my hair was short . ( True or False )Thirty years ago, I could dance . Thirty years ago , I could speak English .Thirty years ago , I could teach . Thirty years ago , my hair was long . ( True or False )Thirty years ago , my hair was long. Thirty years ago , I could speak English .Thirty years ago , I could teach . Thirty years ago, I could dance . ( True or False )Thirty years ago , my hair was long . Thirty years ago, I could dance .Thirty years ago , I could teach . Thirty years ago , I could speak English . ( True or False )Thirty years ago , my hair was long . Thirty years ago, I could dance .Thirty years ago , I could teach . Thirty years ago , I couldn’t speak English . Tip : could not = couldn’t ( True or False )Thirty years ago , my hair was short . Thirty years ago, I could dance .Thirty years ago , I couldn’t speak English . Thirty years ago , I could teach . ( True or False )Thirty years ago , my hair was long . Thirty years ago, I could dance .Thirty years ago , I couldn’t speak English . Thirty years ago , I couldn’t teach . Mike’s friends are visiting his home. listen and circle . What are they talking about ? A. Mike’s hobby . B .Mike’s old photos . 2. What grade was Mike in ? A. Grade 1 B. Grade 5Task 1 : listen and tick or cross Before ,Mike liked pink. Now ,Mike also like pink . Before , Mike is very active. 4. Now , John is tall . 5. John can ride a bike now . Task 1 : listen and tick or cross Before ,Mike liked pink. Now ,Mike also like pink . Before , Mike is very active. 4. Now , John is tall . 5. John can ride a bike now . √×√√×Task 2 : Read the dialoge by yourselves , underline the sentences . The sentences about now use” _____” . And the sentences about before use “≈” .自读对话, 用— 画出关于现在的句子, 用≈画出关于过去的句子。--Task 3 : Disscuss with groups ,fill in the form . Choose one people in the dialogue , say something about his changes .1. 小组讨论,完成表格, 2. 选择文中一个人物,谈谈他的变化。change He liked pink . He was quiet .He didn’t like pink. He was active in class .He was short , so he couldn’t ride his bike well .He is tall , he goes cycling everyday .change He liked pink . He was quiet .He didn’t like pink. He was active in class .He was short , so he couldn’t ride his bike well .He is tall , he goes cycling everyday .How did Mike / John change?Task 4 : choose characters and act it out . (选择角色, 并 表演)ChangeAppearance 外表 Hobby 爱好Ability 能力ChangeAppearance 外表 Hobby 爱好Ability 能力Talk about you or your family members .Tip: 你可以 ... ...

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