
Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 单元测试卷(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:100次 大小:68611Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教新版八年级下册《Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came》2019年单元测试卷(1) 一、单项选择. 1.﹣ Would you please not speak so loudly in _____ public? ﹣ Sorry. I will remember to speak in _____ lower voice.(  ) A.the; a B./; a C.the; the D./; / 2.Jack is always to wait for a long time without getting angry.(  ) A.too patient B.patient enough C.enough patient D.very impatient 3.﹣ Be quiet please! Have you seen the sign "No Talking"? ﹣ Sorry, I _____ it.(  ) A.didn't notice B.haven't noticed C.won't notice D.don't notice 4.﹣Don't _____ the tap _____ again! ﹣Sorry. I won't.(  ) A.let; run B.let; running C.leave running D.leave; run 5.﹣Will you come to our party next Friday? ﹣ .I will be on holiday in England by then.(  ) A.I'm afraid not B.I hope so C.I think so D.I hope not 6.Please keep quiet. If you make a lot of _____, you may bring people trouble.(  ) A.voice B.noise C.sound D.singing 7.Mary as well as her classmates _____ English every morning.(  ) A.read B.is reading C.reads D.to read 8.It is _____ to push _____ people in Britain.(  ) A.polite; past B.impolite; pass C.polite; pass D.impolite; past 9.﹣Do you think reading aloud is the best way_____ English?﹣Yes, I think so.(  ) A.to learn B.learn C.learns D.learned 10.British people are very polite at home _____.(  ) A.as well as B.as well C.also D.either 11.Please keep us _____ before we get home.(  ) A.safe B.safely C.safety D.being safe 12.﹣Jacky didn't _____ himself clearly enough. ﹣He was just too nervous.(  ) A.talk B.express C.speak D.tell 13.Mr.Cooper is _____ tired _____ do anything this morning.(  ) A.so; that B.too; to C.both; and D.so; as 14.﹣Mrs Green.Do you think I can get an"A"in the final exam if I start working hard now? ﹣Of course._____.(  ) A.Better late than never B.Many hands make light work C.You cannot burn the candle at both sides D.Actions speak louder than words 15.﹣_____ do people start a conversation in China?﹣They often say "Nihao" first.(  ) A.What B.How C.When D.Which 16.Some Westerners like to greet people _____ a kiss.(  ) A.by B.with C.of D.without 17.It's not the _____ time to ask her to the party because her mother is badly ill.(  ) A.useful B.interesting C.proper D.special 18.Peter is _____ to get the award of "Best Student".(  ) A.enough excellent B.excellent enough C.too excellent D.excellent too 19.﹣Mum, Tony broke my pen again.﹣Forget it. _____, he's only two years old.(  ) A.After all B.All the time C.Not at all D.First of all 20.This skirt is____long____wear. I want to change a shorter one.(  ) A.so; to B.too; to C.so; that D.such; that 21.You must be very tired.Why not _____ a rest?(  ) A.to stop to have B.to stop having C.stop to have D.stop having 22.﹣Would you plea ... ...

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