
北师大版必修1 unit 1 lifestyles lesson 1同步练习卷

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:18次 大小:14294Byte 来源:二一课件通
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北师大版必修1《Unit 1 Lifestyles Lesson 1》2019年同步练习卷(河南省洛阳市偃师实验高中) 单词拼写(共12小题;每小题1分,满分12分) 1.The novel is written from p    experience. 2.It is most u   that the patient should be sent to hospital. 3.He has a r    lifestyle now. All he does is fishing. 4.Chinese students always c    about the stress of schoolwork. 5.The businessman leads a s   life: too many places to go, too many people to see and too many bills to pay, etc. 6.Nowadays, many people have a    (便携式的) computer to do their work. 7.The    (文件) he passed me just now is very important. 8.All the people ran out of the building when the fire    (警报) went off. 9.There is something wrong with the    (遥控) control, so you can't watch TV tonight. 10.He went out in order to r    his mind. 11.I bought a Walt Disney c   for my son to celebrate his birthday. 12.I'm b   .Let's go to the cinema. 短语翻译(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 13.   打开(电源) 14.下楼梯    15.转变,转换频道    16.换好衣服    17.   占据(时间,空间等) 18.be filled with    19.be ready for…    20.switch off    21.complain about sth.    22.get bored    用所给短语的适当形式填空(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分) 23.(10分)go off wake up take up get up can't stand switch off switch over be filled with get changed complain about (1)Don't you think these boxes of yours are    too much space? (2)I didn't    until someone knocked at the door. (3)It's time for you to    ,Tom. The sun has risen high in the sky. (4)The alarm    as soon as the thief got into the front garden. (5)His speech was long and boring, and almost all of us    it. (6)He   all the lights as he left the room to save electricity. (7)This play is too boring. Will you please   to CCTV 5 to watch the live football match? (8)The warm﹣hearted girl led us into a large hall which   passengers. (9)All the friends are waiting downstairs, so don' t spend too much time   . (10)Many students always    too much homework. 单项填空(共18小题;每小题1分,满分18分) 24.﹣﹣There is still a copy of the book in the library.Will you go and borrow _____? ﹣﹣I'd rather buy _____ in the book store.(  ) A.it; one B.one; one C.one; it D.it it 25._____ I really don't like art,I find his work impressive.(  ) A.As B.Since C.If D.While 26.Without your help,I the exam last term.(  ) A.would have failed in B.wouldn't fail C.will have failed in D.failed in 27.I have to go to work on foot because my car_____ at the garage.(  ) A.is being repaired B.is repaired C.will be repaired D.has been repaired 28.﹣The water to waste. ﹣Oh,it's my fault.I forgot to turn it off.(  ) A.is running B.has run C.will have run D.will run 29.I want to know when he _____ for New York tomorrow.(  ) A.has left B.is leaving C.had left D.has been leavin ... ...

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