
2019年5月浙江三校联盟考试高三年级英语试题 (含听力音频及文字材料)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:100次 大小:15879490Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    命题:杭州市余杭高级中学 Keys: 第一部分: 1—5 BCACA 6—10 ACCBA 11—15 ACBBA 16—20 CBBCB 第二部分: 21-23 CCA 24-26ABD 27-30 BCDA 31-35 GCEFA 第三部分: 36-40 BCCAD 41-45 ACBDB 46-50 BACAD 51-55 DABCD 56. covers 57. where 58. to make 59. traditional 60. with 61. visiting 62. its 63. an 64. ages 65. And 第四部分: 第一节: One possible version: Dear Mr. Brown, Recently I ran into some difficulties, so I’m writing to ask you for help. As a newcomer, I find it difficult to keep up with the study pace here. Besides, how to get along well with my roommates bothers me a lot, as we come from different cultural backgrounds and tend to see things differently. These really have been a headache for me. I wonder if it’s convenient for you to have a face-to-face talk with me to sort things out. I’d appreciate a lot for your help. Yours, Li Hua. 第二节: One possible version: The door opened and an old man came out.I rolled down the window and called out that I had a flat tire and needed someone to change it for me because I was disabled and couldn’t do it myself. Bundled in raincoat and hat, he asked me to sat there comfortable and dry, and started working hard in the storm. It seemed to me that he was awfully slow and I was beginning to become impatient. Eventually, it was done. I felt the car bump as the jack was removed, and then he was standing at my car window. In the next few frozen seconds, I found the old man a cripple, wet through!Shame penetrated and I was sick with an intensity I had never felt before. A crippled old man! How could I sat comfortably in the car while an old man did all the work for me in the soaking rain! I don’t remember how long I sat there after he waved good night and left me, but it was long enough for me to search deep within myself. I realized that I was filled to overflowing with self-pity, indifference to the needs of others and thoughtlessness. That night marked the beginning of my third life: I am trying now not only to climb 14 steps each day, but in my small way to help others. 听力原文: Text 1 M: You are almost ready to go, Samantha? The bus is leaving in fifteen minutes. W: Not quite. Mom said I have to eat all this before I can go to school. M: You’ll have to change your alarm setting. We don’t want to be late every day! (1) Text 2 M: Let’s see what food you’ve bought for the lunch meeting today. W: Everything! Noodles, beef, vegetables like tomatoes, corn, green beans…you name it, I bought it! Have you ordered the dessert? M: Absolutely. (2) Text 3 W: There have been three earthquakes in Oklahoma City this month. I heard I’m safer in a high-rise building. Do you think that’s true? M: Well, I think that’s just what people who live in high-rise buildings tell themselves. (3) Text 4 M: I’m so excited to hear this speaker. I can’t believe someone as famous as Billy Collins is visiting our little town! I want him to sign a copy of his book for me. W: I’m not sure who Billy Collins is. I’m just here f ... ...

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